Hubbardston school bus drives off road when kids act up; tow needed

There were 33 passengers on the bus when it got stuck at the side of New Templeton Road.
There were 33 passengers on the bus when it got stuck at the side of New Templeton Road.

HUBBARDSTON — A school bus with more than 30 students got stuck on the side of New Templeton Road after the driver pulled over to deal with misbehaving passengers, according to police.

The bus sunk into the soft, swampy shoulder, tipping the vehicle and making it impossible to move. A tow truck and backup bus were summoned, as were police and firefighters.

The children, students at Hubbardston Center School, were evacuated through the rear of the bus, aided by a passerby who stopped to lend a hand.

"I ran to see if something happened to the bus driver," said Omar Soffan of Paxton, a piano-delivery driver who was behind the bus when he saw it pull off the road and soon tip to one side. "We were like, 'She's gonna flip over.'"

Soffan and his son, Kaya, 16, stopped to help.

"The kids were screaming and crying, saying, 'Please help us,'" Omar Soffan said Thursday, recalling how he assisted the children off the bus through the rear emergency door. The driver and an adult bus monitor were the last ones out.

Some children boarded a second bus that completed the route; others were picked up by parents, who were notified of the incident by the school.

Bus driver Loida Delgado told police that she was prompted to pull to the side of the road because a few of the children were "acting up." The bus soon tipped, its right-side sinking into the soft earth.

The bus was towed by TJ and Sons in Gardner.

The incident occurred about noon Wednesday.

Meantime, Omar Soffan, owner of All Pro Piano Movers, continued on his way to Vermont, where he was a bit late to two piano deliveries. He downplayed his role in Hubbardston, saying it was something anyone would do.

This article originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: Hubbardston school bus drives off road when kids act up; tow needed