How Hollywood Is Responding to the Las Vegas Tragedy

From canceled movie premieres to brief statements, Tinseltown is showing solidarity.

Photo: Getty.

As the country sorts through the aftermath of the devastating Las Vegas shooting, which left 59 people dead and more than 500 injured, Hollywood is figuring out the most tactful way to show solidarity. Thus far, that response has largely been to cancel splashy red carpet events in favor of brief, supportive statements.

As of Tuesday, both West Coast premieres for Blade Runner 2049 and Marshall have been canceled by their respective studios. The Blade Runner event was supposed to take place at the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, while the Marshall event was set for Hollywood’s TCL Chinese Theatre.

“In light of the tragic events of last night, Warner Bros. Pictures, Sony Pictures, and Alcon Entertainment are canceling the red carpet for tomorrow’s screening of Blade Runner 2049,” Warner Bros. said in a statement, per Deadline. “We join the rest of the country in sending heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this tragedy.”

“On this day of national mourning, we have decided to cancel tonight’s [Monday] scheduled red carpet premiere of Marshall,” an Open Road spokesperson said, per [Variety]( “Instead, tonight’s event will be a private screening of the film for the cast, filmmakers, and invited guests. Our thoughts are with the the victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas, their families, and all of those affected.”

The decision is on par with motions from the film world for past tragedies. In May, the Cannes Film Festival paid tribute to the devastating explosion in Manchester, England, at an Ariana Grande concert by releasing a statement, observing a moment of silence, and canceling a fireworks show, a photocall, and promotional event for Cars 3.

Studios have also canceled events due to horrific mass shootings before. Back in 2012, a gunman in Aurora, Colorado, opened fire on a theater full of people watching The Dark Knight Rises; 12 people were killed and 70 others were injured. WB immediately responded by releasing a statement, canceling the film’s Paris premiere and all French press interviews with the cast and crew.

“Warner Bros. and the filmmakers are deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident,” the studio said in a statement. “We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time.”

Considering the chilling frequency of mass shootings in America, solidarity has been extended by the show-biz world in a number of ways. In 2016, the Tonys took place mere hours after the senseless, brutal killings at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, in which 49 people were shot and killed. Scrambling to strike the right balance, host James Corden ended up delivering a cold open that soberly addressed the massacre, focused on spinning the show into a commemorative ceremony. “Hate will never win,” he said. “Tonight’s show stands as a symbol and a celebration of that principle.” Winners throughout the night, including Lin-Manuel Miranda and Frank Langella, ended up paying tribute to the victims in their speeches.

And, as usual, late-night hosts have become the de facto home for an immediate response from the TV world. On Monday night, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, James Corden, and more dedicated portions of their shows to the tragedy. Jimmy Kimmel, who grew up in Las Vegas, delivered the most heart-wrenching monologue of all, crying and calling out political leaders who have not advocated for gun control. Many Hollywood stars, in addition to musicians like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Taylor Swift, have taken a similar approach, tweeting support for the victims while also demanding gun-control reform in the country. At this point in 2017, the attack in Las Vegas marks the 273rd mass shooting in America this year alone.

This story originally appeared on Vanity Fair.

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