Great grads: Edward Little's Micah Joler aspires to work in the medical field with children

May 21—AUBURN — Edward Little High School student Micah Joler, 18, demonstrated character, leadership, scholarship and athleticism during her four years at the school, Guidance Director Mary Beth Galway said.

All the while, she maintained a full academic, extracurricular and personal schedule, Galway said.

"Her organizational methods, including her sticky notes and multiple calendars, have kept her in control of her busy schedule. While she often jokes about these, it's really impressive that, as a teenager, she devised such a strategy," Galway said.

Her kind personality and friendliness, along with a strong work ethic, will help her though college to become a pediatrician. Her natural ability to connect with people and comfort them will make her successful in that field, the guidance director said.

Joler said she will always carry the memories of playing field hockey, track and field and lacrosse. The bond with her teammates feels like another family, she said.

The best part of each day is the car rides to and from school with my younger sister, Mackenzie. Whether we are chatting about the school day, practice or just jamming out it is always good to be together.

I have had plenty of bad days, but also plenty of good ones. I wouldn't say I have an answer for the worst part of every day. I'd say that the worst part of some days for me is stressing about upcoming tests.

My favorite subject is science. I have always been intrigued by how my body functions. Why are my eyes green and my mother's are blue? Questions like these are fun for me to try and find answers to. I'd say my favorite class is a tie between psychology and human anatomy and physiology. Learning about the body systems and why people do the things they do excites me, it leaves me hanging — wanting to learn more.

Choosing a favorite teacher at Edward Little is an extremely difficult task. I am fortunate to have had amazing teachers throughout my four years. That being said, I really enjoyed having Mrs. Hinkley as a teacher. She cares for her students beyond what classes they are in. To me, she is one of the teachers here who knows the most about their determined topic. Any question I had about the muscles, cardiac vessels, or even sheep brains she could answer it in ways I understood.

The hardest part of high school would be managing the workload while balancing extracurricular activities and commitments. I found my way through this by staying organized. This may sound a bit excessive but I have five different planners. Yes, I do use all of them. Every Sunday, I write down the "to-dos" for the week. This has helped me to turn in my assignments on time and never miss an National Honor Society meeting or Student Leadership Council meeting.

By the members of my class, honestly, I think I'll be remembered as the girl who always had her work done two days before it was due. Or the girl who loves field hockey and probably never stopped talking about it. Or even the girl who always had her nose in a book during breaks in class.

I wish teachers and administrators understood that students have a lot more on their plates than they think. Doing homework shouldn't always be the main priority. Especially students who take on many high-level classes, play sports and are a part of different councils and clubs. Sometimes the workload can cause too much stress for a young student.

My advice to all 8th graders entering high school next year is to always be yourself. Yes, it may be a cliché, but staying true to yourself is what makes strong and determined people. Also, always be organized! Time management is so important in high school to make sure no assignments slip through the cracks and everything is taken care of.

After graduation I am headed to Boston in the fall. I will be attending Northeastern University to study biology on a pre-medical track.

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