This girl’s before-and-after acne selfies are going viral for an important reason

This girl’s before-and-after acne selfies are going viral for an important reason
This girl’s before-and-after acne selfies are going viral for an important reason

It’s kind of strange that we almost never see people with pimples — let alone acne — in the media; especially when the vast majority of us deal with zits and breakouts on a regular basis. This lack of representation is why Kali Kushner’s before-and-after acne selfies have gone viral on Instagram.

According to Cosmopolitan, the 22-year-old’s posts about taking Accutane have a dedicated following. Kushner thinks it’s because the stigma of acne is so strong that people find it refreshing to see someone being so open about their struggle with skincare.

Kushner told the outlet, “Acne is so hush-hush and shamed in society, and having clear skin is the epitome of beauty, so if you dare have a zit or a breakout — and if you dare to take a picture of it —it’s almost like something’s wrong with you, which is so false.”

So. Much. Yes.

Kushner added, “I just took Accutane and a bunch of selfies, but now I realize that the reason people are so dedicated to following my story is because nobody actually posts stuff like this.”

Here are some more shots from her Insta feed.

Guys here are my 3 month thoughts since I've cut dairy from my diet. If you're suffering from cystic acne, JUST TRY IT. Since cutting ALL dairy, I haven't had any raging deep cystic spots! Zero you guys, zilch, nada & zero spots that have left scars. Of course I'm still getting little pimples here and there (so it isn't a cure all) but nothing like before when I was beginning to relapse after accutane. (For anyone new here, I took accutane for six months stayed completely clear for a year & then my cysts started to come back) Left pictures are before I cut dairy 3 months ago and right picture is from the other day on snapchat. It's worth a shot, I thought there was no way in hell that I could give up mac n cheese, mozzarella sticks, fettuccini alfredo, or just a simple pairing of wine and cheese but y'all- there's so many dairy free substitutes that you can find at the grocery or make at home! I kept making excuses because I didn't want to change my ways: like it's soo expensive, I just can't do it I love cheese, I'll never be able to eat anything, it'll be hard to find something when I go out with friends & family. All very untrue!! I thought I didn't need to change my diet, and that it wasn't fair how other people could eat like crap and have completely clear skin. Well guess what we all process things differently & on top of that sometimes life isn't fair and u just gotta suck it up! Anyways to me it has been worth the change to have peace of mind that I won't be dealing with those huge monsters anymore (also skin is a lot less inflamed so scars are harder to see) #dairyfree #cleaneating

A post shared by Kali Kushner (@myfacestory) on May 26, 2017 at 5:02am PDT

In addition to posting these pics, Kushner also writes lengthy posts in the captions about what products she’s using, what works, why she likes certain treatments, and also just general musings about being a self-confident woman.

In a recent post she wrote, “I repeat for the uberth time: your skin does not define you. Stop using it as an excuse. Stop wishing and wanting. Start doing. Only you have the power to make that change. You control your own happiness, life is what u make itttt.” For some of us, that can be a hard thing to remember, so if you need a daily reminder, you should probably follow Kushner on the ‘Gram to get your dose of goodness.