French police track suspects in holocaust memorial vandalism attack into Belgium

French prosecutors say police have tracked three suspects involved in last week's defacing of the Paris Holocaust memorial across the border into Belgium.

Speaking on Wednesday, prosecutors said the suspects were caught on security footage as they moved through Paris before "departing for Belgium from the Bercy bus station" in southeast Paris.

The investigators added that the suspects' bus reservations "had been made from Bulgaria".

On 14 May, red hands were found daubed on the Wall of the Righteous at the Paris Holocaust memorial, which lists 3,900 people honoured for saving Jews during the Nazi occupation of France in World War II.

Prosecutors are investigating damage to a protected historical building for national, ethnic, racial or religious motives.

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Similar tags were found elsewhere in the Marais district of central Paris, historically a centre of French Jewish life.

Their discovery prompted a new wave of outrage over anti-Semitism.

A Moldovan couple was arrested in the case.

(with newswires)

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