France accuses Azerbaijan of fomenting riots in its Pacific island territory

A man stands in front of a burnt-out car
New Caledonia has been wracked by riots, with 200 arrests made and hundreds wounded - Nicolas Job/AP
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France accused Azerbaijan on Thursday of meddling in riot-wracked New Caledonia, amid warnings Russia and China are seeking to exploit chaos in the French Pacific territory.

Five people have died, including two gendarmes, since riots erupted three days ago sparked by a French parliamentary bill. Pro-independence groups say a proposed new law would discriminate against the indigenous Kanak population of the island.

New Caledonia, located between Australia and Fiji, has the world’s second-largest nickel reserves – but its processing plants are on the verge of collapse, due to cheap competition from Indonesia and Chinese overproduction.

Prices have tumbled despite the metal being a key component of electric car batteries. This economic crisis has exacerbated tensions that have left the island “verging on civil war”, say analysts.

“It’s in [Beijing’s] interests to encourage pro-independence movements,” warned a recent report by the French military strategic research institute, Irsem, “to gain market share or weaken potential rivals.”

President Emmanuel Macron has called a state of emergency. On Thursday, Gabriel Attal, France’s prime minister, announced the dispatch of 1,000 police reinforcements – bringing the total to 2,700, along with soldiers and elite GIGN units – to try and quell the unrest.

Black palls of smoke rising over a red-tiled city with many green trees
Smoke rising over the capital city, Noumea, on Wednesday - Nicolas Job/AP

“People have been ambushing law enforcement officers [with] sustained fire from hunting rifles,” said the New Caledonian high commission.

Hundreds of people, including 64 police, have been wounded and there have been 200 arrests. The territory’s population of around 270,000 is heavily armed, with more than 100,000 possessing firearms.

“We’re heading straight for civil war,” warned Louis Le Franc, the island’s high commissioner.

Describing the chaos, one French expatriate couple said neighbours had clubbed together to create a “citizens’ militia” and barricaded the entrance to the road. ”We’re afraid for our home and our lives,” said the pair, who live in the central district of Valléedes-Colons and declined to be named.

They added: “They’re burning down everything, even pharmacies, vets and petrol stations. There are neighbourhoods where the electricity is out, and they’ve cut off the water supply too.”

All commercial flights have stopped, effectively trapping terrified residents on the island.

French officials have long expressed concern about Azerbaijan’s curious interest in French overseas territories, including New Caledonia, located 9,000 miles away, and in their struggle against “colonial rule”.

“This isn’t a fantasy. It’s a reality,” Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, told France 2 TV when asked if Azerbaijan, China and Russia were interfering in New Caledonia.

A burnt-out car, and various people with shopping trolleys
On Thursday, Paris announced it was sending another 1,000 police officers to the island - Delphine Mayeur/AFP

“I regret that some of the Caledonian pro-independence leaders have made a deal with Azerbaijan. It’s indisputable,” he alleged. Azerbaijan swiftly denied the allegations as “baseless”.

Relations between Paris and Baku nosedived in the wake of Azerbaijan’s 2020 war and 2023 lightning offensive to regain control of its breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region from ethnic Armenian separatists.

France is a traditional ally of Christian Armenia, Azerbaijan’s neighbour and historic rival, and is also home to a significant Armenian diaspora. Mr Darmanin said pro-Russia Azerbaijan was a “dictatorship”.

On Wednesday, Paris also banned TikTok from operating in New Caledonia, on the grounds that the social network, whose parent company is Chinese, had been widely used by rioters. The ban is thought to the first in Europe.

Critics fear it is being employed to spread disinformation from foreign countries.

Azerbaijan invited separatists from the French territories of Martinique, French Guiana, New Caledonia and French Polynesia to Baku for a conference in July 2023.

The meeting saw the creation of the “Baku Initiative Group”, whose stated aim is to support “French liberation and anti-colonialist movements”.

Emmanuel Macron sits at the head of along white table flanked by advisers, with a tricolore flag behind him
President Macron chaired a security council meeting in Paris on Thursday - Ludovic Marin/AFP

The group published a statement this week condemning the French parliament’s proposed change to New Caledonia’s constitution, which would give outsiders who moved to the territory at least 10 years ago the right to vote in its elections.

Pro-independence forces say this would dilute the votes of Kanaks, who make up just 40 per cent of the population.

“We stand in solidarity with our Kanak friends and support their fair struggle,” the Baku Initiative Group said.

Raphael Glucksmann, the MEP heading the list for the French Socialists in June’s European Parliament elections, said Azerbaijan had made “attempts to interfere... for months”.

While tensions over election reform were the main factor, he said that Azerbaijan, among others, was “seizing on internal problems”.

“Authoritarian regimes like Russia and Azerbaijan, but also China, seize on the slightest flaw in our societies to polarise public debate and sow chaos,” he said.

President Macron has cast France as a friendly “balancing power” between China and the US in the Indo-Pacific. “France is offering these Pacific territories true independence,” he said in a speech in Nouméa last July.

Clearing referring to China, he added: “Look at the countries that were independent, that went and signed huge contracts with the great powers, that offered huge investments.

“Look at how they find themselves saddled with debt, having lost their land, having lost their industrial sovereignty because these great powers took it from them. That’s the geopolitical reality of the region.”

However, various French experts said that foreign “interference” is less to blame for spiralling violence than the Macron government’s cack-handed treatment of New Caledonia’s peace process.

CNRS researcher Benoît Trépied said: “If the French State shot itself in the foot in New Caledonia, I’m not surprised that its political adversaries are taking advantage, but it wasn’t its adversaries who fired the shots.”

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