Flynn Elementary shares lunch with community volunteers to say 'thank you'

EAU CLAIRE — On Wednesday, Flynn Elementary volunteers had an opportunity to share their lunch with school staff.

Jim Schmitt, Flynn’s principal, said the event is put together by their staff as a way of expressing their appreciation towards the community volunteers. On top of the lunch provided, students also made placemats for them as gratitude for their help over the school year.

“It’s a nice opportunity just to thank the people that take care of us,” he said. “It is something that got put on the shelf during COVID, so we’re glad all that is over.”

“It is a good way for us to honor (the volunteers)…” said Lillian McRaven, a second-grade teacher. “It is nice to be able to celebrate and say ‘thank you’ to someone who makes a difference.”

In helping out at the elementary school, many of the volunteers help out in different ways from coordinating the fifth grade yearbook to helping with school carnivals and dances. As for their motivation, a lot of the volunteers said they do it for their kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews or other relatives who go to school there.

Our children are our lifeblood, and they are what is most important in our world,” said Barb Nichols, the parent of a second grader. “So if I can help make their world a better place, that is what I am going to do.”

Deborah Flores, another volunteer who was at Flynn on Wednesday, helps out at the school as an aunt of one of the students.

“They’ve talked about the carnival and different things for years before I moved here that they really enjoyed, and I know that, without volunteers, it can’t happen,” she said. “It makes for good memories for them.”

Another group of volunteers at Flynn were Jane and Tim Dresel, who bring in their therapy dogs, Robin and Uecker, every Wednesday for the kids. They both retired 12 years ago, but now occasionally visit Flynn and Locust Lane with the therapy duo.

Jane Dresel said they believe that every school should have therapy dogs, but she said you have to be cautious with certifications and getting the dogs approved for the school. The two of them belong to Therapy Dogs International, or TDI, and follow district rules when visiting with Robin and Uecker.

Giving a chance for the students to unwind from stress, Tim Dresel said that “kids have tough days too.”

Jane Dresel added that it can also be a benefit for the staff, as both Robin and Uecker have become very popular at the elementary school.

As Wednesday’s lunch also thanked them for their volunteer services at the school, Tim and Jane Dresel said it is really nice of them to put it together.

“It does take all of these different kinds of people… We also have a bunch of (UW-Eau Claire) volunteers which has been extremely helpful since the university implemented service hours. I had a student come into my classroom and do a lot of secretarial work, we have some that come to do the reading, some that come to help on the playground,” said McRaven.

But with 186 invitations sent out to volunteers for Wednesday, Schmitt said that volunteers are critical for a school in meeting their needs in multiple areas.

“We have people in our community that want to assist schools, whether they’re doing it through service learning through the university or they have time to be able to reach out and help…” said Schmitt. “Our volunteers are just like everybody else here, they’re part of the team.”