Five Best Monday Columns

William D. Cohan in Bloomberg View on the morality of regulating Wall Street The message Americans are broadcasting is that there will be no accountability for the Wall Street bankers whose bad behavior caused the crash. Powerful voices like Edward Conard are in favor of moving on, but the U.S. should be prosecuting. In 1980s, about 3,500 bankers were jailed. Zero have been for 2008.

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Alex Pareene in Salon on how confused moderates don't get politics "Centrists" like David Brooks, Michael Bloomberg, and Buzz Bissinger do not get politics. You should vote for the person who supports the policies you care about, not be like Bloomberg and spend money trying to convince the other side to adopt your views. "I know party politics is gross—it’s so icky and partisan to support one party, all the time!—but it’s the system we have."

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Robert J. Samuelson in The Washington Post on Obamacare and part-time work Under Obamacare, part-time work went from 35 hours a week to 30 hours a week to expand coverage. But the change gives employers a bigger incentive to lower hours for the most vulnerable workers. "It creates powerful pressures against companies hiring full-time workers — precisely the wrong approach after the worst economic slump since the Depression."

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Wendy Kopp in Time on education as a foreign policy issue Tonight's debate will probably avoid education, but it's "the most powerful tool countries have for boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity and forging more just, peaceful and equitable societies." Malala Yousafzai illustrated that. Promoting international education is "the single best investment we can make to end strife between and within nations."

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Bob Dole in The Washington Post on how George McGovern never gave up The former Republican Senate majority leader writes of George McGovern, the Democratic senator who died over the weekend. Dole and McGovern competed against each other during elections but shared a desire to eliminate hunger. "George McGovern never gave up on his principles or in his determination to call our nation to a higher plain."