Fayetteville council to convene

Apr. 18—The Fayetteville Town Council will meet Thursday, April 18 at 6 p.m. at Town Hall (125 North Court Street). The meeting is also available via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/3045740101.

In the unfinished business portion of the agenda, there will be second readings to update employee health insurance deduction amount to 100 percent coverage, as well as to add job descriptions to the employee handbook.

New business will be as follows:

—First reading for a right-turn only sign on Sarah Street onto Keller Avenue;

—Discuss and act on deed of transfer of school property (from Ninety Five Percent Holdings to town, parking lot; town (concession stand) to Ninety Five Percent Holdings);

—Discuss and act on waiving the building permit for the old gym renovation;

—Discuss and act on waiving the B&O fee for the old gym renovation;

—Discuss and act on parking lot partnerships within the downtown area;

—Discuss and act on opening of Spring 2024 paving bids,

—Discuss and act on request for Rotan Street closure and ABC special event permit (from Love Hope Arts, Artists of the New Festival, Aug. 10); and

—Discuss and act on the request to naming right-of-way paved road off of Park Drive to Jesse Workman Lane.

Town leaders will also hear and address financial matters, and visitor comments can be heard.

Steve Keenan