Are fat-cat developers trying to prop up their puppet on Sarasota's County Commission?

The five members of the Sarasota County Commission are Ron Cutsinger, left, Joe Neunder, Mike Moran, Neil Rainford and Mark Smith.
The five members of the Sarasota County Commission are Ron Cutsinger, left, Joe Neunder, Mike Moran, Neil Rainford and Mark Smith.
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Campaign mailer goes too far

Whether you work for a corporation, a small business or in the public sector, everyone’s goal is to increase their net worth. If it doesn’t increase over time, you’re doing something very wrong.

The most recent nasty campaign mailer that I received, presumably paid for by Sarasota County Commissioner Neil Rainford’s campaign (or those who want to see him elected), has gone too far. Implying that his challenger, Tom Knight, was doing something wrong because his net worth increased is idiotic.

Sarasota County Commissioner Neil Rainford
Sarasota County Commissioner Neil Rainford

Write to us: How to send a letter to the editor

In May 2012, the Dow was at $12,580.69; in May 2024, it hit $40,000. If you invested and did nothing else, over 12 years, your money more than tripled.

Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed Rainford to the county commission last year. Why do we care? It means big money donors, developers and power players who have the governor’s ear wanted their guy in there.

Tom Knight is a candidate for the Sarasota County Commission's District 3 seat
Tom Knight is a candidate for the Sarasota County Commission's District 3 seat

What is Team Rainford afraid of? Their fear is that Knight, a lifelong Venice resident and very effective former county sheriff, will not vote their way. Tom will do what is best for us, not donors or developers.

Robin Vaccai, North Port

Council hands Sharky’s a sweetheart deal

Last year, Sharky’s grossed an estimated $20 million-plus and the city of Venice received 5%, or about $1.2 million.

Clearly an outside appraisal of the lease would suggest a 1% increase, at a minimum, for the city.

The four Venice City Council members who rejected an independent appraisal and voted in favor of allowing improvements at the restaurant and extending the lease failed in their fiduciary duty to Venice taxpayers.

The outdoor seating area at Sharky's on the Pier in Venice will be improved as part of a $2.5 million upgrade plan.
The outdoor seating area at Sharky's on the Pier in Venice will be improved as part of a $2.5 million upgrade plan.

It should be noted that Venice Mayor Nick Pachota recused himself from the discussion and vote as he is a shareholder with his family in Sharky’s.

The four members who did not want the facts before making a decision are known for their pro-development votes.

Failure of fiduciary responsibility is serious, and voters should be fully aware.

Ed Martin, Venice

Denying reality doesn’t change it

I have some shocking news for you, Gov. Ron DeSantis, and for your bestie, Sarasota County School Board Member Bridget Ziegler. Denial doesn’t change the facts.

People will not stop being LGBTQ+ if you deny that they exist. Climate change will not stop accelerating because you take the phrase out of all government paperwork.

Sarasota County School Board Member Bridget Ziegler and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis confer on stage during an August 2022 campaign rally held at the Sahib Shriner Event Center in Sarasota to highlight DeSantis' education agenda and promote Ziegler and other conservative  School Board candidates.
Sarasota County School Board Member Bridget Ziegler and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis confer on stage during an August 2022 campaign rally held at the Sahib Shriner Event Center in Sarasota to highlight DeSantis' education agenda and promote Ziegler and other conservative School Board candidates.

Rick Scott tried it as governor. Can you say “red tide,” or is that against the law, too? If I believed, as you seem to, that by denying certain words or terms we could change science or people’s behavior I would outlaw the word “hypocrisy.”

Linda Dirk, Lakewood Ranch

Debate will show contrast in candidates

Let the debacle, I mean "debate," begin.

The first of two debates is set for June 27 on CNN, with no live audience and an open mic only for the candidate who has the floor.

Finally, former President Donald Trump vs. President Joe Biden. They must stay on their feet the entire debate.

President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden debate in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020.
President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden debate in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020.

Now, we will hear the proposed policies, opinions and comments from each of them, crystal clear. Ninety minutes of back and forth.

The moderators will be chosen by CNN.

This is what we have waited for, the two of them face-to-face.

I will be glued to my screen to see the contrast in candidates and who really does have what it takes.

Rich Unger, Sarasota

Advice for successful job interview

Graduation and job interview time. There will be thousands of people after the same jobs. You would be surprised what little misstep can cost you a high-paying job.

As a corporate consultant, I witnessed numerous interviews. Here are a few tips.

Men: Shave and haircut. (Hair grows back.) White shirt, tie, dark suit. (Navy blue is best.) Polished shoes, long black socks. (They cover your hairy legs) Keep eye contact. Don’t look down or sideways. (It looks like you’re lying.) Never sit spread-eagled. It looks like you’re riding a horse.

Women: Professional hairstyle and makeup. Navy blue or black dress. Heels and nylons. Simple jewelry. Nothing shiny or that will distract the eye. Keep eye contact and be relaxed.

Both: Write a letter to the top executive. Tell him you are interested in applying for a job. Ask him if he has any suggestions that will help you learn more about his company. You will be surprised how many will answer. They are always interested in ambitious people who will go the extra mile.

Handwrite the envelope address. You will make the kitchen cut and your letter won’t get round filed with the junk mail.

Good luck.

Larry J. Tracy, Sarasota

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Nasty campaign tactics surface in Sarasota County Commission race