Environmentalists are watching Greenberg defund Conservation District. We will vote accordingly.

Many thanks to Jody Dahmer and Sarah Beth Sammons for their excellent opinion contributions to the Courier-Journal in support of Louisville Metro funding for the Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Jefferson County Extension office.

In the words of Metro Council District 4 candidate Jody Dahmer: “We must show the people we represent where our priorities lie.”

If we maintain a limited sense of the long-term value of our decisions, we tend to forget that we have one planet upon which to live. Our planet is in crisis. We must prioritize environmental concerns, for the survival of our children and grandchildren and for every living thing on earth. Do not de-fund any program that conserves the health of our soil, our water, or our air. To do so is a sin of great magnitude, sets a terrible precedent, and won't be forgotten over the long story of our planet.

As for the present moment, let it be known to everyone in Louisville Metro Government, including Mayor Greenberg, that the words of Sammons and Dahmer are echoed by a large body of active environmentalists who are closely watching every decision you make, won’t forget, and will vote accordingly.

—Anne Marie Milligan, 40291

Have something to say? Submit your letter to the editor here.

Urban soil can be a major challenge to food security

Defunding the conservation district is just another contemporary form of redlining.Urban soil can be a major challenge to food security. A Kroger bus parked in front of Dosker Manor is not the cure.

Grassroots requires safe grass. But then I’ve seen how this administration deals with lead paint in urban neighborhoods, which also impacts soil quality.

If only conservation mattered as much as hotels and sprawl.

Debra Richards, 40205

Grass isn’t ‘green:’ So why are we policing gardens in Louisville neighborhoods?

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Louisville must prioritize environmental concerns, and conservation.