Environmental author to speak June 7 at Lakeside

May 24—SAYBROOK — Months of work are set to culminate in early June with a presentation by best-selling environmental author Doug Tallamy.

Tallamy is scheduled to lead a 7 p.m. program June 7 at Lakeside High School.

The Master Gardener Volunteers of Ashtabula County and the Northeast Ohio Pollinator Society have been working together to bring Tallamy to town with the assistance of the Robert S. Morrison Foundation and the Ashtabula Foundation, said Carol Jones of the MGVAC.

Jones said Tallamy started a nationwide movement to landscape yards and communities in ways that provide much-needed habitat for wildlife and will share insight on those efforts.

THE MGVAC and the NOPS have challenged area residents to read Tallamy's book "Nature's Best Hope". They held a variety of educational seminars are area libraries to promote reading of the book.

"Recent headlines about insect declines, the impending extinction of one million species worldwide, and three billion fewer birds in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the insects, plants, and animals that are vital for a healthy environment and critical for producing the food that supports us," Ones said.

She said Tallamy will describe how small increases in native plant cover in our yards, and public spaces, greatly increase diversity of bees, butterflies, birds and other animals.

Tallamy is a renowned entomologist, conservationist and professor in the Department of Entomology and wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware.

The presentation and book signing to follow is open to the public and free of charge for Ashtabula County residents. The cost for our of county residents is $15 and tickets can be obtained by calling 440-576-4946.