May 24—Tell us about your educational highlight, honor, or accomplishment. What is it and how did you do it?

"My educational highlight has been receiving the superintendent's honors award. This award is given to students who maintain a GPA of 4.0 or higher, and I've been blessed to receive that honor every year that I've been eligible — nine years."

Why is this accomplishment important to you?

"This accomplishment is important to me because it shows that I've held myself to the highest standard; making straight A's year in and year out."

How much did you have to work to accomplish this goal or honor?

"I would sacrifice time that could've been spent on my phone, playing video games, or going to the gym to make sure I finished all of my homework. This was both out of fear of making a B and knowing that if I were to make a B, it wouldn't be from a lack of effort."

What plans do you have for the future?

"I plan on studying either computer science, cybersecurity or business analytics and playing college basketball and possibly doing high jump in track & field at Oklahoma Wesleyan University."

— Cathy Spaulding