EDITORIAL: State candidates should focus on state issues

Apr. 18—As Indiana's gubernatorial election falls on a presidential election year, it should come as no surprise that Republican primary candidates have latched onto national GOP talking points in their campaigns.

It may be an effective campaign strategy, but it isn't good for voters.

Immigration, protecting law enforcement and combating China may be central planks for the Republican National Committee, but here at home, we need to know our gubernatorial candidates' plans for state leadership if elected.

For example, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch is pushing for eliminating the state income tax in her "Ax the Tax" campaign, and Brad Chambers has used TV ads to highlight his plan to protect kids from online threats. Eric Doden has campaigned on implementing zero-cost adoptions and investing in rural parts of the state.

It's no mystery that national politics are heavily polarized, but our gubernatorial candidates needn't campaign on divisiveness.

To our GOP gubernatorial candidates, we implore you to leave the national politics to the national candidates. Let them be the ones to argue about "wokeness," foreign policy, immigration reform, etc.

Seek to inform rather than incite outrage.

Seek to unify, rather than divide.

Leave the national politics to national leaders.

Give us a chance to vote on issues impacting day-to-day lives of Hoosiers.

Above all, assure us that you intend to work for the good of ALL of your constituents. The Hoosier State is counting on you.