The results are in! Student of the Week, April 8-12, 2024

Student of the Week offers schools the chance to celebrate teens who have placed in an art, dance or music competition, excelled in a science fair, won an essay contest, received a scholarship, were recognized for their volunteer service or have shined in some other way.

All high schools in Arizona are invited to nominate students to be included in an online poll where readers vote to choose the Student of the Week.

Student of the Week voting is open from 6 a.m. Monday through noon Thursday. Each week's winner is announced online Friday at 6 a.m.

Meet this week's winner, Martin Jadoun, freshman at BASIS Mesa High School, and nominee Riley Scott, a junior at Florence High School!

Martin Jadoun, freshman, BASIS Mesa

In competitive swimming, Martin Jadoun has consistently excelled, earning numerous medals at state-level competitions across all charter schools in Arizona. His dedication to the sport and hard work, combined with relentless training and determination, have propelled him to stand out among his competition.

Martin's interest in economics extends beyond the classroom, as evidenced by his impressive critical thinking challenge in which he placed in the top three in the state, along with his journey to the final round on the state level of Rockonomix, an economics music video parody competition. In addition to Martin's hard work and dedication, he also spends time coaching students in swim lessons and at church.

Nomination submitted by Lily Treptow, math and Mandarin teacher, BASIS Mesa.

Riley Scott, junior, Florence High School

Riley Scott embodies the essence of dedication and leadership. As a passionate advocate for community service, Riley has been a huge part of the National Honor Society and has helped at multiple events over the year. Her commitment to academic excellence is matched only by her unwavering support for her peers, offering tutoring and mentorship to ensure everyone excels.

Beyond academics, Riley's involvement in extracurricular activities, including soccer and student government, showcases her well-rounded character and exceptional time-management skills. With her contagious enthusiasm and boundless energy, Riley consistently inspires those around her to strive for greatness. Riley has made outstanding contributions to both her school and community.

Nomination submitted by Deanna Potter, principal, Florence High School.

How to nominate: Know a teen we should celebrate? Choose them for Arizona Student of the Week

For more information on Student of the Week, email

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: The results are in! Student of the Week, April 8-12, 2024