EastEnders airs emotional character exit in early iPlayer release

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EastEnders spoilers follow from Thursday’s episode (May 23) which hasn’t yet aired on BBC One.

EastEnders has aired an emotional exit for Whitney Dean in the show’s latest episode.

Following her fiancé Zack Hudson’s betrayal, Whitney decided that she needed to move away from Walford, for a fresh start with Britney and Dolly.

In the latest episode, Whitney told Britney that she had spoken to her brother Ryan, who said they could stay with him in Wakefield while they find somewhere more permanent to live.

whitney dean, eastenders

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Whitney was concerned as to whether she was doing the right thing, so to ease her worries, Bianca said she would be joining them.

She then had to break the news to Zack that they were leaving permanently that evening. Zack begged her not to go, and even suggested that he go with them.

When Whitney told him that Bianca was leaving too, Zack dropped a bombshell. He revealed Bianca also knew that he and Lauren slept together and didn’t tell Whitney – and even convinced him not to say anything just before the wedding.

As Bianca collected her final pay packet from the café, preparing for her departure, Whitney confronted her about her secrecy.

bianca jackson, whitney dean, eastenders

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In a devastating scene, a heartbroken Whitney explained to her stepmum that while she still loved her, she didn’t trust her anymore and Bianca therefore wasn’t allowed to move away with them.

Whitney got closure before she left the Square, telling Lauren that she doesn’t want there to be a feud between them – but made it clear that their friendship was over.

She then met Zack at Peach’s memorial tree, where they talked things through and ended on much better terms. As Zack said goodbye to Dolly, he introduced her to her big sister Peach, who he said would have loved her so much.

In The Vic, the Walford residents put together a slideshow of photos for Whitney, as she said farewell to her family and friends.

britney and whitney in eastenders

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In typical Whitney fashion, she chose to get a bus instead of a taxi to the station, and as she walked through the market to the bus stop, she was met with applause from all the stall owners, a gesture that left her emotional.

After saying her final goodbyes, Whitney, Britney and Dolly boarded the bus – with Bianca, Zack and Lauren all left standing on the street, sharing a remorseful look.

"Are we going to be alright?" said Britney as the bus pulled out of Albert Square, to which Whitney replied: "We’ll figure something out. We always do."

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

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