Dr. Pimple Popper Pops A Massive 'Flubber' Lipoma In A New YouTube Video

Dr. Pimple Popper Pops A Massive 'Flubber' Lipoma In A New YouTube Video
  • Dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD, a.k.a. Dr. Pimple Popper just outdid herself.

  • In a new 28-minute YouTube video, Dr. P wrangled one of the biggest and gnarliest lipomas Popaholics have ever laid their eyes on!

  • The lipoma was so massive, Dr. P weighed it right after the extraction.

Lipomas are famously stubborn and typically take a lot of time to remove. But dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD, a.k.a. Dr. Pimple Popper always works them out. From a 20-minute "double lipoma" removal to a 28-minute "mac and cheese" lipoma extraction, Dr. P likes to take her time to thoroughly remove them. And in her latest YouTube video, she has another 28-minute removal of a truly massive "Flubber" lipoma. The lipoma, which was located on the left shoulder blade of her patient, was basically the size of a cantaloupe. Egads!

"This awesome Popaholic brought us a most excellent lipoma on her back! Her sister named it 'Gabby' but we think it looks a little like Flubber... What do you think?" she captioned the vid.

As the video begins, Dr. P starts by slicing the skin open—using a tool to cauterize the skin to avoid excessive bleeding.

"Oooooo, the pop is going to be amazing!" says Dr. P as she uses the tool.

Then she uses her gloved hands and fingers to feel around the lipoma, trying to get a sense of how "stuck" it is inside the patient's shoulder. "I hope that I can pop this out...it is kind of tethered," she says. "I try to coax it. I totally try to flirt with it to get it to come out! Because it's in these little spaces."

As she yanks, a gush of liquid goo squirts out. Dr. P asks her patient how long it's been there—and apparently, it's been "a long time." After slowly "teething" away, the lipoma finally starts to give, and our good doctor pulls out chunks at a time.

"The sound of this is so gross!" says the patient.

Dr. P continues to wrestle with the lipoma, working on loosening it so it pops out. She works on it for over 20 minutes...and then the majority is out! Hallelujah.

"It's like Flubber!" says Dr. P's assistant. "It's so cute!"

The patient says that her sister had named it "Gabby," but admits that "Flubber" is much more fitting. Dr. P works to remove several smaller pieces of the lipoma before she stitches the patient back up. At the end of it all, she shows the patient all of the contents—and weighs it!

For the record, it's didn't weigh a lot—it just looked like it did. "I see many of you asking how much this huge lipoma weighs, it actually doesn't weigh that much," Dr. P posted in the comments section. "All of that mass for 1.5 lbs! Are you surprised?"

And Popaholics can't stop obsessing over this pop—for good reason.

"This is quite possibly the most exciting lipoma I've watched in a while! It just keeps coming 🤣," one commented. "If this isn't the biggest and/or heaviest lipoma Dr. Lee has removed, it must be pretty damn close," another said. While another wrote, "That was a beast."

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