Dog park opens

May 2—Community members celebrated April 28 the opening of a new dog park in town, named the Ted & Mid Viola Dog Park. The park is located east of the Abilene Community Center and north of the baseball fields. The land for the park was donated by the two Viola sisters Linda Bankes and Sally Cullor. The park is about an acre large and is divided into two sections.

The park was a project by Leadership Dickinson County class of 2020 members Cynthia Deters, Cody Schlesener and Angie Wilkens.

In the future the park will have two benches, being made by the Abilene High School woodshop class and funded by the Abilene Animal Hospital. The park will also get two dog waste stations, provided by Midwest Greyhound Supply, and a drinking fountain with a dog bowl.

City built the park for us, working with the Corp of Engineers as it backs up to Mud Creek

A fund has been created at the Community Foundation for Dickinson County to accept donations for obstacles in the park.