Crews remove Gardner's official Christmas tree. What will replace it in Lafayette Square?

The remains of Gardner's official Christmas tree were recently cut down and removed from Lafayette Square.

The tree was snapped in half by high winds during a late-season snowstorm on April 4.

Lafayette Square sits between Parker, West and Oak streets.

The tree was delivered to the city via crane during the 1990s when the city utilized Community Development Block Grant funding to refurbish the square. For decades, the annual lighting of the tree served as the official start of the holiday season for many residents.

Crews in Gardner recently removed the city's official Christmas tree from Lafayette Square after it was snapped in half by a late-season snowstorm.
Crews in Gardner recently removed the city's official Christmas tree from Lafayette Square after it was snapped in half by a late-season snowstorm.

"We're looking into options to replace the tree," said Mayor Michael Nicholson. "We're looking into the costs of options and weighing what the final plan will be."

This article originally appeared on Gardner News: Christmas tree removed from Gardner after storm damage