Crabbe principal appealing ‘demotion’

ASHLAND The principal of Crabbe Elementary in Ashland has filed to appeal a demotion handed down in April by Superintendent Sean Howard.

During a school board meeting Monday night, David Latherow, board chairman, spoke during the public comment portion on the “Crabbe situation.” He said any talk about it was prohibited due to a “statutory process” in Kentucky set forth in KRS 161.765 — appeal and procedures for demotion of administrative personnel.

“(Tolbert) has a due process right to request a hearing and he has selected to do so. He has retained counsel for that purpose,” he said to the crowd.

“Tolbert’s attorney and school board attorney have communicated relative to that decision and requested this board not entertain comment this evening to protect Mr. Tolbert’s due process rights,” he added.

Five families were signed in wanting to speak on behalf of the issue, Latherow said.

A petition that began April 24 to reinstate Tolbert as principal of the elementary school has garnered more than 1,000 signatures and dozens of comments in support. The petition was created by Joshua Taylor, a parent in the Crabbe district.

“(I’m) hopeful for the appeal but concerned that Mr. Howard is still continuing with the hiring of a new principal,” Taylor said.

An older man wearing an orange shirt uploaded a video showing his support.

“To lose Mr. Tolbert as a principal of Crabbe Elementary would be catastrophic to both students and parents because he has helped so many; he has changed that school so much,” the man said. “If I had my way about it, Tolbert would be principal of Crabbe Elementary for the duration of the existence of Crabbe.”

Two site-based decision-making (SBDM) council meetings composed of three school-elected teachers and one parent have moved forward with procedure in the selection process of the next principal at Crabbe. Elementary teachers are Lisa Smith, Amanda Evans and Taylor Moore, and the parent is Dane Thomas.

“It would be unfair to Mr. Tolbert or unfair to the school district, so we want to honor his due process rights. We respect them and we respect the fact you all are here tonight,” Latherow said to the crowd.

“Please understand we thank you for coming tonight, but unfortunately because of this process and Tolbert’s request and the school board attorney’s request, we are unable to entertain comments on that tonight,” he added.

Uriah Tolbert was unavailable for comment as of press time Tuesday.