Coronation Street's Dee-Dee Bailey shocked over Joel and Nathan

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Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street's Dee-Dee Bailey gets a nasty surprise next week as she discovers who Nathan Curtis' new solicitor is.

Dee-Dee's boyfriend Joel Deering steps in to represent Nathan after the villain is arrested again in upcoming episodes.

In next week's big set of Corrie episodes, new detective Kit Green searches Nathan's work van and finds some USB sticks.

Kit investigates and decides that he has enough evidence to arrest Nathan on suspicion of breaching his sexual harm prevention order.

kit, nathan, coronation street

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Things get more complicated when one of Lauren Bolton's hairs is found in the van. Although this looks damning, the hair was seemingly dropped by Sarah Barlow when Kit caught her trying to plant Lauren's hair bobble in Nathan's vehicle.

Joel represents Nathan as he undergoes police questioning over the latest discoveries.

He later comes clean to Dee-Dee about how he is working with Nathan, putting them at odds as Dee-Dee is representing Roy Cropper – the other main suspect in the Lauren case.

Dee-Dee makes it clear that she's not happy with Joel, but that doesn't stop him from continuing to work alongside Nathan.

ds swain, joel, nathan, coronation street

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Nathan promises Joel that he's innocent and Sarah must have planted the hair to get him sent back to prison.

The tensions between Dee-Dee and Joel come just a few weeks after she decided to forgive him for keeping quiet about having a secret estranged wife and child. Could this send them back to square one again?

Channique Sterling-Brown, who plays Dee-Dee, explained: "Dee-Dee has agreed to move forward with Joel. She is definitely someone who believes in forgiveness and now that she's made that decision for them, she is really excited about the future.

joel, dee dee bailey, coronation street

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"In and amongst all of the chaos of life, he's almost like her life raft and is the one who is keeping her ticking over by making sure she's fed and afloat. The relationship is definitely proving invaluable to Dee-Dee.

"But Dee-Dee isn't happy about Joel representing Nathan. Dee-Dee has such a strong moral compass and Nathan is potentially the key to proving Roy's innocence.

"In addition to this, the fact that Nathan is someone who has hurt Bethany, and Dee-Dee and Sarah are really good friends, will probably cause a bit of friction between Joel and Dee-Dee."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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