Collinsville school board votes on whether to close Jefferson Elementary

The Board of Education of Collinsville District 10 voted unanimously to close Jefferson Elementary, effective immediately, at a special board meeting held Tuesday evening.

The meeting followed the third and final public hearing the board had on the matter.

“This decision was not easy due to the lasting influence Jefferson Elementary and its staff have had on generations of students in our community,” the district said in a statement Wednesday.

In April, the district announced that it was considering closing the school due to declining enrollment and would hold three hearings to receive public input. Under the proposal, the 70 to 80 students that would have enrolled at Jefferson next year will be reassigned to Summit and Twin Echo elementary schools, using St. Louis Road as the boundary.

About 25 parents, students and teachers attended the first hearing on May 6 to implore the board to keep their beloved neighborhood school open. Some questioned the timing of closing the school following the ballot initiative voters passed in March, allowing the district to transfer funds it will get from retiring bonds to another part of its budget.

The money will generate about $2.3 million annually for critical facility improvements. Jefferson Elementary was slated to receive safety and security updates as well as new paint and LED lights.

Some also expressed concern about the timing of the board’s decision since it was to come after the last day of student attendance on May 17.

“If we were bound to close, I just wish we had more notice so that we could all work through this together and give our kids a chance to realize that it was going to be our last time together,” said Christy Reid, a parent and first grade teacher at Jefferson.

The district said in its Wednesday statement that it is making plans to help affected students and parents prepare for the next school year, which will include opportunities for students to tour their new schools. “We want the transition to be as seamless as possible,” the statement reads.

All Jefferson staff will retain their employment in the district in new assignments for the upcoming school year, according to the statement.

“Next year will look different, but children are resilient and our students will continue to prosper, regardless of the school setting, because of our district’s strong partnership between home and school. Our focus is to move forward and ensure our students grow academically and socially throughout the coming school year,” the statement concludes.