Classic Dungeons & Dragons video game Neverwinter Nights is getting re-released as an Enchanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition
Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition

Following a series of remasters, developers Beamdog are going to be re-releasing role playing game Neverwinter Nights as Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. In the history of Dungeons & Dragons role playing games, there's four titles to look for. Baldur's Gate is arguably the most popular and influential, but Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights are both a part of Dungeons & Dragons' video game legacy. After giving Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, and Icewind Dale a modern touch, Neverwinter Nights is next to go under the knife.

Coming from GameInformer, it looks like most of the game will remain untouched, with further compatibility for modern resolutions and some improved shaders. It looks like textures, animations, and most of the design will remain the same for this edition of the game. 

Neverwinter Nights, despite being 15 years old, still has a bustling community, and so this Enhanced Edition will also have backwards compatibility with saves, mods, and modules (stories). Beamdog are also working with the community to make some changes to the game that the fans have been wishing for over the last few years.

There's no release date for the game yet, and information is only coming from GameInformer and a trailer Beamdog have uploaded. In the YouTube description for the trailer, which you can watch below, it has a link to an official site, but it's not currently live.

It's likely to go live later today, as Beamdog are putting on a Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition stream at midday PST, or 8:00pm GMT. It will be available to watch online on Beamdog's official Twitch profile when it begins. Further footage of the game, and details of the community-driven changes are likely to be announced there.

It's also likely that pre-orders will go live shortly after the stream, as GameInformer reported that Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition will be available to pre-order at some point today, November 21.