Chris reveals his drawing skill

Chris reveals his drawing skill

Chris' drawing skill is becoming a hot issue.

EXO held a special event titled 'GROWL In A Summer Night', which was live-streamed through NAVER, and EXO gave another great entertainment to their fans.

During the event, EXO's Chris showed sketches of each members that he drew.

Chris explained, "Some people might know if they take a closer look, but the order that I drew is the order that we stand on stage. Look at them. They are identical."

He also drew animals at the lower part of the picture, and he said, "These animals are imaginary animals. They do not exist on this earth."

Netizens who saw the picture left comments, such as "He's got a great talent in drawing", "It was very entertaining", "So charming", and "I love him so much."

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