Fewer Yale Grads Are Going into Finance

To figure out how the financial crisis college graduates' career choices, Catherine Rampell of The New York Times' Economix blog decided to look at how many young grads are vying to getting into 1 percent through Wall Street. Sure, she picked that cliched sampling of elite school -- Harvard, Yale, and Princeton -- but the data they provided to her show that indeed anger at Wall Street might have penetrated ivied gates. In 2010, a lower proportion of the three's graduating classes went into finance than before the recession. The trend can be seen the best with Yale, whose newly-minted alumni's industries are charted below. There only 14 percent of the class of 2010 went into finance, down from its pre-Great Recession peak of 31 percent in 2000. The story's similar with Princeton and Harvard: their portions of young finance workers fell from 46 percent to 36 percent and from 25 percent to 20 percent, respectively, between 2006 and 2010. It could be the case that the Ivy Leaguers are saying fooey to an effed-up financial system -- or that that financial isn't hiring them at the rates that they used to. And we'll have to wait another year or two to see what effect Occupy Ivy Leaguers had, too. Rampell has the charts for Harvard and Yale over at Economix.

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