How to care for your tree after spring cold snap

Frost damage on chiltalpa tree
Frost damage on chiltalpa tree

Q: My mulberry tree has major frost damage from the freeze we had last week. The leaves look like they melted and now are turning black. I am not sure what to do with the tree as so much of the tree is damaged. This is a very large tree that shades most of my yard and it is difficult to prune. Is my tree dead? Do I need to prune off the blackened branches? Is there anything I can do to save my tree?

A: The cold nights of April 12 and 13 caused quite a bit of damage to the new growth on many trees and shrubs, not to mention newly planted gardens. Symptoms of freeze damage include shriveling and browning or blackening of damaged leaf and stem tissue. Damaged growth usually becomes limp, looking wilted before turning black or brown. Eventually, damaged or destroyed leaves drop from the tree or shrub. I have seen quite a bit of damage to trees around town and on the college farm. Our entire hedge of holly sustained quite a bit of damage to the new growth, turning the entire hedge black on top. The saucer magnolia tree in the arboretum has turned brown on all the leaf tips. Many of the tree blossoms turned brown and dropped and newly formed peaches have turned brown and will eventually fall off the tree.

Frost damage on saucer magnolia
Frost damage on saucer magnolia

The good news is that most established trees and shrubs have the ability to leaf out again after the initial spring growth has been damaged. “Late frost damage is often dramatic and can cause concern for homeowners and landscapers. Fortunately, the damage is largely aesthetic and plants will quickly resume growth. There will likely be some growth reduction in these plants for the current season, but there will be little, if any, lasting impact,” states Bert Cregg from Michigan State University Extension. It may take a few weeks for your tree to start to leaf out and some plants may not recover fully. My grapes at home had a lot of new shoots that look permanently damaged, but there should be buds below those shoots that will grow new shoots.

Frost damage on holly
Frost damage on holly

Keep caring for your trees and shrubs while they are recovering from the freeze damage and do not let them dry out. Mulch around trees to help maintain moisture. Once the tree or shrub has leafed out, applying some all-purpose fertilizer will help them recover faster. In the future, water well before the expected cold temperatures to help trees withstand the freeze better, and cover smaller trees and shrubs with frost cloth or old sheets.

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After 6 to 8 weeks if you do not see evidence of new growth, go ahead and cut back or prune out any stems or branches that appear dead. If uncertain, try bending the stem, it will be brittle and brown if dead but will be flexible if still alive.

Frost damage on holly
Frost damage on holly

The Shasta Master Gardeners Program can be reached by phone at 530-242-2219 or email The gardener office is staffed by volunteers trained by the University of California to answer gardeners' questions using information based on scientific research.

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: How to care for your tree after spring frost damage