Bulk trash removal set in Emmitsburg

Mar. 10—Bulk trash pickup will occur April 9 and Oct. 22 in Emmitsburg this year.

There is a two-item limit per household, according to the Town of Emmitsburg newsletter. Mattress affidavits are due by 4:30 p.m., April 7, for the April 9 pickup. Mattress affidavits are due by 4:30 p.m., Oct. 20, for the Oct. 22 pickup.

Accepted items include: dressers, beds, couches, chairs, grills (no propane tanks), patio furniture, mattresses (must have town approval), box springs (must have town approval), desks, file cabinets, televisions, washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers, microwaves and tables. Air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers are accepted only when a licensed professional removes the Freon in them and attaches a yellow certification label as proof the Freon was removed appropriately.

The following will not be accepted: propane tanks, lawn mowers with the gas tank still attached, paint, tires, wood with nails/screws, concrete, batteries, anything containing gas or oil, anything containing Freon; mattresses without town approval and box springs without town approval.

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