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Need a bug-out bag? Here are the 5 best emergency preparedness kits for 2022

You know what they say about an ounce of prevention. Being prepared in case of an emergency, whether it’s a flood, hurricane, earthquake, tornado or [enter disaster-of-choice here], will give you control over a scary situation.

Everything you one handy backpack. (Photo: Amazon)
Everything you one handy backpack. (Photo:

Emergency preparedness kits (aka “bug-out bags”) contain basic supplies, but they’re supplies that could save your life — and since you may be dealing with power outages, water shortages and more, you’ll want one that can sustain you for at least 72 hours (and have room to stow your personal documents and medications, too).

Quick Overview

We found five survival kits, from a four-person backpack to a 160-piece first-aid kit to help you and your loved ones stay safe in perilous predicaments.

C'mon...the word "Wise" is right in its name — you know this is a smart buy!
$66 at Walmart

Along with survival necessities like waterproof matches, a flashlight, and a blanket, this five-day emergency preparedness kit contains items to ease the situation too, like a deck of cards and palatable eats. The 32 servings of food (with a 25-year shelf life) include creamy pasta, tortilla soup and apple cinnamon cereal. You’ll also find a portable stove with fuel tablets to heat it all up.

For the ultimate preparation for whatever life throws at you, we present this water-resistant backpack complete with wings that zip open to reveal clear pouches filled with survival tools. You’ll find a three-day supply of food and water, a whistle, compass, leather work gloves, emergency red flasher, signaling mirror and more.

Whether you suffer an itty-bitty owee or a guts-out abdominal laceration, there's something in here to help.
$28 at Amazon

Be ready for just about any injury with this first-aid assortment that features 160 items but weighs only a pound, and is small enough to fit in a glove compartment, suitcase or junk drawer. The canvas case is packed with medical-grade supplies compiled by a team of doctors and CPR instructors.

Zippered clear pouches offer easy access and leave room to stash things of your own, like medications. You’ll find bandages of various sizes and shapes, sting relief pads, moleskin blister relief, antiseptic wipes, wound dressing, scissors, and metal tweezers.

This bountiful bag even includes an AM/FM radio for your news and entertainment needs. Talk about roughing it!
$129 at Amazon

This stocked backpack is perfect for a family of four. It contains a slew of items, from an AM/FM radio, a camper’s stove, and a tent to 50 water purification tablets and a 54-piece first-aid kit. Food and drink will be taken care of thanks to 24 pouches of water, 50 water purification tablets, and four 2,400-calorie food bars.

Don't be fooled by the "America" in the name — this kit will keep you hydrated, fed and warm in any disaster-waiting-to-happen locale.
$39 at Amazon

This 72 Hour Emergency Kit is the ultimate in grab-it-and-go preparedness, whether you're aiming to outrun a hurricane, hunker down after a mudslide or find yourself hopelessly lost in the woods. As its name says, this kit can sustain two people for three days (or, presumably, one person for six days, if you're the lone-wolf type). What's in it? Thirty-three items in all, including vacuum-sealed food and water packets, blankets, two 2,400-calorie food bars, disposable dust masks, nitrile gloves, a whistle (you know, in case you want to call that cute wolf over to play — kidding!), ponchos, tissues and a pair of safety light sticks.

Speaking of preparedness: Did you hear that Prime Day is happening again? Amazon’s Prime Early Access Sale is on October 11 and 12, but you need to be an Amazon Prime member to take advantage of the deals. Here's how you can sign up for a free trial, which also gives you complimentary shipping. See all of our Prime Early Access Sale coverage here and shop the early Prime Day deals here.