Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig graduate Tyren Headbird exhibits mentorship on the home front

May 25—As graduation season arrives each year, the Pioneer features one graduate from each college and high school in the coverage area. Senior Tyren Headbird is this year's featured graduate from

Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig School

which will host its commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 30.

The Pioneer provided Headbird with a series of questions to answer:

What are your plans after graduation?

Right after graduation, I am getting employed and I'd like to step more into leadership roles on the reservation. With all the opportunities I've had at the ripe age of 18, it really paints a picture of what can be done in my community. I'm continuing to be a singer — traveling around with my brothers in my drum group — which has been so much fun.

What piqued your interest in your post-graduation plans?

Opportunities like United National Indian Tribal Youth, Close Up Foundation and the Leech Lake Youth Council have given me the confidence to bring awareness to issues on the reservation. Starting a drum group with my friends and getting back into the circle is what my grandpa wanted. With being as young as we are, receiving invites for different functions and celebrations of our voices has been nothing but an experience.

Have you had a favorite class throughout high school?

I would say psychology as the teacher always made it fun and learning about how the brain works is interesting. That topic is definitely in the back of my mind when I pursue a higher education.

What's been the greatest struggle or hardship you have overcome in your life?

The continuous loss of loved ones, that grief sticks with you. It grows and grows. That's why you have to speak up. Even if you feel your whole world crumbling, there's always someone rooting for you.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Knowing that I'm a role model with what I do. Knowing there are eyes on you from the young ones really steers you in the right direction. Those little ones are the future.

Who is your greatest mentor?

My mother is my mentor as I'm always relying on her insight and her ability to make things happen. She's a hard-working woman and is currently taking college classes with one semester left. Way to go, Mom.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I'm usually at home spending time with my family. Recently, I have found myself enjoying meeting new people. Getting myself out there, speaking to more folks is something I see myself doing.