Make Brightline, not taxpayers, pay to fence off access to dangerous railway | Letters

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Taxpayer financing of Brightline safety improvements unconscionable

The fact that Brightline is now seeking tax dollars to fund fencing and other safety upgrades is an admission against interest. That’s legalese for “they knew the system would be dangerous and admit building it unsafely anyway.” It is now moving toward a closed corridor.

Brightline’s desire for taxpayer money to upgrade the route similar to high-speed rail, 125-mph requirements is an agreement its 110-mph speed needs more safety elements. At 125 mph, it couldn’t cross streets at grade and must be totally fenced (and quiet zones would be automatic). In selecting 110 mph, a speed that barely competes with Florida's Turnpike, it must have weighed the cost of high-speed safety improvements against the less marketable lower speed with less regulation.

There is a legal concept: the “dangerous instrumentality doctrine.” If one operates a dangerous instrumentality like a train, greater protection is owed the public.

Example: A construction company stored dynamite in a shed near a children’s play area. It failed to adequately secure the shed and a child was injured. Like Brightline, the construction company argued the child was a trespasser and had no claim. The court disagreed and found the company had a duty to protect potential trespassers given the dangerous nature of the shed contents.

The Ford Pinto litigation comes to mind. Ford knew the Pinto was unsafe and chose not to recall/correct the defects, based on a cost-benefit analysis. One wonders if Brightline engaged in a similar analysis selecting 110 mph. Did it pick the lower speed to avoid the expense, knowing it created a hazard to the public?

That Brightline sold this as a private venture and now want tax dollars to mitigate its impact is unconscionable. With the request for tax dollars and the 110 deaths, the Florida Department of Transportation has impetus to mandate increased safety regulations.

Paul Westcott, Vero Beach

A tow truck driver prepares to hoist the remains of a car onto a flatbed where the rest of it sits after a Brightline passenger train hit it early morning in Lake Worth Beach Wednesday, February 16, 2022. It was the third time in four days Brightline hit a vehicle in Palm Beach County. The wreck happened shortly before 6:30 a.m. just south of Washington Avenue near Dixie Highway in Lake Worth Beach.

City of Stuart employees went over and above the call of duty.

I am a small business owner in Stuart, and when the new online processing for our city licenses went into effect, I must admit I had some difficulty understanding the process. I stopped into the city office for some assistance. I found myself third in line for the same issue.

The woman who came out to assist was patient, kind, courteous, extremely helpful and understanding. When she was finished with the first person in line, she proceeded to the next customer, again just as courteous and kind. When it was my turn to be helped, my situation was a little more complex, as I have multiple city licenses in Stuart.

After a little research, I had indeed processed my online licenses correctly; I just needed to do one more step. The woman in charge of the city business licenses came out and went over everything in detail. At the end of my visit to get all this handled, I stopped to convey my sincere gratitude for the effort, patience, kindness and professionalism the entire staff showed to myself and others that morning.

Running a small business has many trials and tribulations that we go through behind the scenes, so just knowing that our city employees are so compassionate and passionate about assisting us along the way is priceless to me and so many others.

So, thank you for all the hard work.

I left the city office filled with so much gratitude for the work they do day in and day out for small businesses like mine!

Candace Lopes, president, Skin Serenity Spa, Stuart

Kansas City Baptist leader among those who call out Christian nationalism hypocrisy

In what might be the most hypocritical behavior in modern American politics, white Christian nationalists have anointed Donald Trump — an execrable human being who cares nothing about organized religion or its doctrinal convictions — as their savior.

This repugnant non sequitur exposes the intent of Christian nationalists: a racist American theocracy devoid of authentic Christian values.

The Rev. Stephen D. Jones is co-pastor of First Baptist Church in Kansas City, and a leader of a movement to resist white Christian nationalism. Jones states this resistance succinctly in the Kansas City Star: America was not founded by Christians for Christians. The founders' purpose was much larger.

The first European settlers came to America “seeking religious liberty, not Christian domination," he wrote. They were compelled to risk their lives by embarking on a perilous ocean voyage because they wanted to be free of state-supported churches and their doctrinal dictates. Jones notes correctly that “we weren’t founded to be a Christian nation, but rather a nation where all Americans are free to practice their faith as they see fit (or observe no faith at all).”

A growing number of conservative Americans seek a government based on a distorted understanding of Christianity. This misperception of America’s original ideals is obscuring our democratic conception of liberty and justice for all. We’re splintering into irreconcilable hard-core political and religious tribes that rent asunder the indispensable cohesiveness of a functional pluralistic society.

We must never forget that the Ku Klux Klan based its abhorrent ideology on the mistaken belief they were Christianity’s defenders, chosen to “whitewash” America of African-Americans and non-Christians who had their separate religions.

White Christian nationalists assume they’re entitled to govern America, but Jesus rejected such claims of superiority, teaching: “Those who want to be first among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:27).

Lest we forget …

Cray Little, Vero Beach

Stop Biden, surge of illegal immigration

There's a new surge of illegal immigrants on the way. Don’t let them in.

Send them back to fight for their own country and die for it, if needed, like our people have done for our country. They’re supposed to go to the country next to them, not hundreds and thousands of miles away. Let them stay in Mexico.

Stop all money and business going to any countries they’re from.

Governors and politicians should ignore Joe Biden, like he ignores us and our Constitution, and get this job done.

It’s not Biden's age that’s the problem, it’s his judgment, and his unelected comrades taking over our, the people’s, country.

Joan Hall, Vero Beach

U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., meets with guests while serving food during the 66th annual Farm-City BBQ at the Collier County Fairgrounds in Naples on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023.
U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., meets with guests while serving food during the 66th annual Farm-City BBQ at the Collier County Fairgrounds in Naples on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023.

Donalds apparently wouldn't follow law as Trump's VP

Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds is reportedly being considered for Donald Trump's vice president.

He was asked recently if as vice president in 2028, would he certify a Democratic victory? The Republican's response: "If you have state officials who are violating the election law in their states ... then no, I would not," Donalds said.

After the 2020 loss, Trump's team got its hands on as much election data as legally and illegally possible (see Georgia video for illegal). The data and hand counts proved the count and math was correct. Trump's cult then shifted to the claim “state election laws were not followed.”

The Supreme Court spoke loud and clear. Individual states determine if their election laws were followed, not politicians.

Don Whisman, Stuart

Nice try making Biden out to be anything but worst ever

I found a recent letter very entertaining about how Donald Trump "stacks up to the Ten Commandments" when compared to Joe Biden.

The writer employed every anti-Trump talking point and every out-of-context thing she may have been reading or seeing in the mainstream media.

Isn’t it far more “dictatorial” (No. 10), far more a threat to democracy, for an administration to weaponize the FBI and the Department of Justice to go after a political opponent? I don’t have enough space to list all of the ways this administration is attempting to take away basic freedoms.

As for No. 6, “you shall not murder,” how about his stand on abortion? But the letter writer wrote, he “remembers the Sabbath.”

I’m fairly certain Donald Trump didn’t “idolize” Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping (No. 2). It’s called diplomacy. How is Biden’s form of diplomacy working for us now that we’re involved in two wars and are in dangerous territory on several other fronts? His method of appeasement doesn’t appear to be working.

And No. 9, “false witness"? Biden enabled his son and brother to use the family name to obtain millions of dollars from our enemies and then repeatedly lied about knowing anything about it. He is “The Big Guy," not the paragon of virtue this writer would like him to be.

Nor is Trump Adolf Hitler. Invoking the old Hitler analogy is unconscionable.

It’s clear that as Biden’s poll numbers continue to fall, the left will become more vicious in striving to make this man out to be the greatest, rather than the worst, president in our history. Nice try, but I’m betting that people are smarter than that.

Patricia Perrone, Stuart

All presidents should be held to same standards

How can one compare the legal charges against Donald Trump with the evidence piling up against Joe Biden and his family?

Prominent Harvard law professor and avowed Democrat Alan Dershowitz contends that all of the cases against former President Donald Trump are flimsy political efforts to exhaust Trump’s assets and keep him off of the campaign trail. Many of these cases are being actively pursued by the respective states and Joe Biden’s federal government.

Conversely, the Department of Justice fails to investigate the mounting evidence suggesting that President Biden participated in sophisticated influence-peddling schemes for years. Despite the slow-walking of the Department of Justice, the House Oversight Committee dug up a voluminous amount of bank and email records showing foreign payments to the Biden family.

This is serious stuff. Assuming that Dershowitz is correct, the indictments against Trump put the United States in the same category as Russia, where Vladimir Putin jailed his main political rival. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice and FBI should follow up immediately on any indication that the president of our country has engaged in traitorous acts.

Remember, the special prosecutor for the Russian dossier that turned out to be a total hoax? If there had been any truth to it, Trump would have been impeached and the impeachment would have been upheld. All presidents should be held to the same standards, including Biden.

Tom Miller, Vero Beach

And the Democrats keep warning us about Donald Trump becoming a dictator?

Wasn't it a Democrat who mandated shots and masks? Most Americans know that the occupant of the White House has no right or power to mandate anything, according to the U.S. Constitution. Only Congress has the authority to pass laws (also known as mandates).

The executive branch (president) can execute the laws Congress mandates. That branch is charged with overseeing laws only Congress can legally pass or mandate.

The third branch is the Supreme Court. Right now, and since the Constitution was written, it is known as the highest court in the land; hence, Supreme Court.

And who is charging Trump with becoming a dictator? Oh, the Democrats. The very same folks who are dictating to Israel to hold elections ASAP. Imagine: Mandating new elections in a sovereign nation? And the president approves of Sen. Chuck Schumer's dictate. He told us in no uncertain terms.

Where is it written in the Constitution that a U.S. senator can dictate to an ally when to do anything, let alone conduct its own elections? Especially to a supposed ally?

Are the Dems treating a sovereign nation properly or are they, in fact, doing what they accuse Trump of planning to do? Are they doing what Josef Goebbels taught the Nazis to do?

Accusing others of you own actions? You can decide for yourself and, then let me know, please.

Audrey Taggart, Hobe Sound

Mental acuity reactions telling in presidential race

The recent letter from a reader that called for the review of the mental acuity of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden may be well intended.

However, it ignores the fact that Trump already took a cognitive test, which he passed with flying colors. On the other hand, Biden reportedly has refused to take such a test. Does that tell us anything?

Herb Brennan, Fort Pierce

Maryland column in-kind donation from Democrats?

TCPalm and the news media in general should be acknowledged as in-kind campaign contributors by all Democrat political campaigns.

I know a little bit about what constitutes an in-kind contribution by having run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012 as an independent.

This newspaper printed (Hagerstown, Maryland, Herald-Mail columnist) Tim Rowland’s current Russia, Russia, Russia diatribe against Donald Trump. This is just the latest Democrat talking point, which hearkens back to 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 etc.

What the left accuses the Republicans of doing you can bet the house they’ve done already. The Russia lie of 2016 was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

Dictator? Look at what Joe Biden did weaponizing the Justice Department to go after his opponent. Biden created a border crisis by canceling the remaining contracts to finish the wall. He threw open the border to all comers. How many of those military-aged young men from the Middle East pouring into our country are terrorists? Does Biden have a clue?

A free press is necessary for a population to render informed decisions at the ballot box. What we have now in media is a disgrace. Lies are spread, truth is smothered, and some of our top political appointees claim a man can give birth. Go figure.

Richard Gillmor is a former mayor of Sebastian.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Stuart employees great; Brightline safety plan unconscionable | Letters