Brace yourselves: Tomi Lahren and Chelsea Handler are going to face off in a debate

Face it: no matter how we try, Tomi Lahren is going to be part of our lives as long as the internet exists. There's no point in resisting.

Lahren, the conservative personalty who was recently fired from The Blaze, is scheduled to debate progressive comedian Chelsea Handler at Politicon in Pasadena, California, July 29 - 30. Millions are expected to ask: "Who would watch that?" then watch all the pirated clips on YouTube, hours later.

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I don't know who keeps scheduling these torturous debates and otherwise forcing us to re-live the 2016 election. Remember when CNN made us all hate watch Ted Cruz v. Bernie Sanders?

Can we live?

Maybe this one will be better. Handler is, after all, a particularly piercing critic of Trump and an increasingly political comedian. She participated in the Women's March on Washington and once called Ann Coulter's book a piece of "sh*t," then invited her to be on her show. And Tomi Lahren is, um, at least not Ted Cruz.

Ready to rumble and groan.

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