Bomb victim's mother 'let down' despite PM promise

The mother of a Manchester Arena bomb victim has said she feels "let down" by Rishi Sunak, despite the prime minister saying he was committed to bringing forward a new public security law by the summer if elected.

Mr Sunak told reporters there was still time to introduce legislation known as Martyn's Law after the July general election - but before MPs break for a summer recess.

The proposed law, named after bomb victim Martyn Hett, would require venues and local authorities to have preventative plans in place against terror attacks.

Martyn's mother Figen Murray, who has campaigned for the changes, said she felt promises to pass the law in the current Parliament had been "broken".

'Too important'

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper has said a Labour government would introduce Martyn's Law in the next Parliament.

Ms Murray recently walked 200 miles from Manchester to London to meet Mr Sunak on the seventh anniversary of the 2017 attack, and to push for Martyn's Law to be passed.

She discussed the legislation with Mr Sunak on Wednesday hours before he called the General Election.

The campaigner said the prime minister promised her he would introduce Martyn's Law to Parliament before the summer recess, but could not guarantee it would be passed before the next election.

Commons business is due to end on Friday when Parliament is prorogued.

"I was exhausted after walking 200 miles from Manchester to London, I was upset by the anniversary and then I felt misled by the Prime Minister," Ms Murray said.

She said it was "great" that Mr Sunak said he would support Martyn's Law if elected, but added progress had been too slow.

"Martyn's Law was a commitment for the last Parliament, not the next one, and I feel let down by all the promises that were made and broken.

"National security is too important to be so low a priority, I hope whoever wins the next election will act immediately to make this right."

Mr Sunak said on Friday he had not deceived Ms Murray and that he is committed to bringing in the law.

"I said by summer recess and that will still be possible," he told journalists accompanying him on the campaign trail.

He said he "remains committed" to bringing in the law when Parliament reconvenes after the election in the first week of July.

The prime minister said "all the prep work" had been completed, and went on to compliment Ms Murray for her "bravery in the face of tragedy that happened to her family, to have then campaigned for positive change."

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