Bodies of two women in Nottingham house 'undiscovered for some time'

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Police said officers were called to concerns for the welfare of the people living in the house in Hartley Road [BBC]

The bodies of two women found in a house in Nottingham had "lain undiscovered for some time", police have said.

Nottinghamshire Police was called at 11:04 BST on Tuesday to concerns for the welfare of the people living at the home in Hartley Road, Radford.

After gaining entry to the property, two bodies were discovered inside.

Det Ch Insp Ruby Burrow said officers did not believe there was an immediate risk to the public.

She added: "We are keeping an open mind into what has happened at this address and will be working hard over the next few days to establish how and when these two women lost their lives.

"In the meantime my thoughts - and those of every other officer involved in this investigation - are with those who have died, their family and friends."

Radford is an inner-city area, located to the west of Nottingham city centre.

A cordon is in place at the property [BBC]

Deborah Williams, who lives next door to the house where the bodies were found, said she had not seen or heard her neighbours for a few months.

She described one of the women as "mild-mannered" and said she "kept herself to herself".

A shop worker in Hartley Road said the discovery of the bodies was "shocking".

The worker, from Food Basket African Butchers and Grocers, said he first saw a police officer on the street at about 12:00 on Tuesday, and then saw a police vehicle later in the afternoon.

"We saw a police car yesterday and this morning, I thought it was normal, routine," he said.

"It is surprising, it's quite shocking."

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