Here’s A Better Look At Robert Pattinson’s New Batman Suit

Photo credit: Carin Backoff - Esquire
Photo credit: Carin Backoff - Esquire

From Esquire

Last night, The Batman director Matt Reeves shared a sneak peek of Robert Pattinson in his new bat suit.

The 56-second camera test reveals an armoured take on the uniform, with more nuts and bolts than ever before. Robert Pattinson is no doubt thrilled to be lugging that around. The little collar pop is new, too. Very ‘vampire on a trial shift at Abercrombie & Fitch’.

It’s also shot entirely with a red hue which, to be completely honest with you, Matt, is a bit unnecessary. We all know what colour Batman’s suit is. It’s not a spoiler. Luckily, one Twitter user gave it a grey-scaling and now we have a clip that doesn’t look like it was filmed in a dark room.

Someone else pointed out that there could be a reason behind the red-tinted camerawork. It's looks like a tribute to a few pieces of iconic Batman cover art, as you can see below:

So what else can we take from the clip? The bat symbol seems to be repurposed from a gun, which is a bit intense, and strays a little too close to Jared Leto 'Damaged' territory for us. Fans seem to think that it's the gun that was used to murder Bruce Wayne's parents.

It's not out until 21 June 2021, so we've got a pretty long wait, but we wouldn't bet against Warner Bros. releasing a teaser-of-the-teaser-of-the-teaser-of-the-trailer any day now. Reaction around Robert Pattinson's casting has caused some controversy around comic circles, but for our money, R-Patz is one of the best actors working today, and more than ready to dive back into big-budget franchise fare.

Pattinson has described the reaction to his casting as "less vitriolic than I was expecting," sating he was surprised by the choice. "It's kind of insane," Pattinson told us in our profile last year. "I was so far away from ever thinking it was a realistic prospect. I literally do not understand how I’ve got it, at all."

Check out everything we know about The Batman here.

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