Berks Encore gets $104,000 from PA for updates to Reading senior center

May 14—The senior citizens who spend their days inside the Berks Encore Reading Center aren't the only ones advanced in age.

The building itself, which was the first senior center in Pennsylvania when it was built in August 1974, has been around for a while. But thanks to some state funding, the center at Ninth and Court streets will soon be getting a bit of a revitalization.

State Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich visited the center Tuesday to announce it would be one of 45 senior centers in 26 counties to share in $2 million in competitive grants. The Reading center, the secretary said, will get one of the largest grant allotments at $104,759.

Another center in Berks County will also get funding. Casa de la Amistad Senior Center will receive a $14,876.

"Our senior community centers are a cornerstone in our communities and to the older adults they serve," Kavulich said, adding that the provide socialization, access to services and a place to get important information. "A senior community center may provide the only interaction that an older adult has some days, and we want to make sure that our centers are welcoming, inclusive and assets to the local area."

The competitive grants — along with $1 million in noncompetitive grants that will be split up and divvied out to nearly 4,000 other centers across the state — will provide funding to make facility upgrades, purchase equipment, provide new health and entertainment programs or enhance nutrition services. The funding for the grants were appropriated by the General Assembly with proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery.

"The projects funded by both the competitive and noncompetitive grants will help the recipients enhance the programs and services already in place as well as create new opportunities to welcome current visitors and attract new consumers," Kavulich said.

At the Berks Encore Reading Center, the funding will be used to renovate the main entrance. The work will include accessibility improvements and security upgrades, Berks Encore officials said.

Information on what the grant money will fund at Casa de la Amistad Senior Center was not immediately available.

During Tuesday's announcement, local officials lauded the funding Gov. Josh Shapiro's administration has secured for supporting senior citizens.

State Sen. Judy Schwank said she believes people across Berks and Pennsylvania deserve to age with dignity, as well as with a little fun. Places like Berks Encore — which operates six centers in the county — provide those opportunities.

State Rep. Manny Guzman said his grandmother was one of those people to take advantage of those opportunities. She used to visit the Reading center regularly, playing dominoes and bingo or taking exercise classes.

Guzman said he want's to make sure others get to similarly enjoy their senior years.

"We want to make sure the seniors in Berks have resources to age with dignity and respect," he said, adding that seniors should also know that people in the community are here to support them.

And, he said, he'd like to provide even more support.

"We love this investment, but we need more," he said.

Other grant recipients

Other senior centers in the region to receive funding through the competitive grant program include:

—Kennett Area Senior Center, Chester County — $52,000.

—Phoenixville Area Senior Center, Chester County — $17,400.

—Surrey Service for Seniors, Devon location, Chester County — $15,587.

—Surrey Service for Seniors, Broomall location, Delaware County — $5,076.

—Wayne Senior Center, Delaware County — $50,000.

—The Open Link, Montgomery County — $34,154.

—Salem Adult Citizens Center, Montgomery County — $52,000.