Behold, the most Australian way to recycle: Boats made of beer cans

What better way to rally a community than to meet annually and compete in a dash to the finish line? Better still if that dash occurs in the ocean and aboard a vessel made exclusively from beer cans. 

That's what the people of Darwin did Sunday, with thousands heading to the seaside to witness the Beer Can Regatta as participants proved themselves proficient recyclers and halfway decent shipwrights.

SEE ALSO: New Zealanders find new use for your rotten caravan

The Darwin Lions' Beer Can Regatta is an annual event dating back to 1974. In the wake of a devastating cyclone, the event was launched to boost spirits and collect all the post-storm rubbish.

Named among Australia's 300 best festivals by Fest300, if you ever find yourself in the north and with an abundance of empty beverage containers, may pictures from this year's event inspire you.  

Shine on Australia, you crazy diamond.