So, the BBC Hired an Opera Guy to be Their New Chief

The BBC found itself without a director general after a pair of scandals led to the resignation of George Entwistle barely two months after he started the job. So, without a head, and facing questions about the future of the organization, the BBC hired the head of the Royal Opera House. 

RELATED: Pair of Scandals Lead to BBC Director General's Resignation

The BBC announced its new director general is Tony Hall, the chief executive of Britain's Royal Opera House, on Thursday morning. Now, if you're following the BBC employment party, it goes something like this: former Director General Mark Thompson left the BBC to a chief job the New York Times, who was then replaced by Entwistle, who is now being replaced by Hall. You might find yourself asking questions like this: 

Old paper gets CEO who modernized old radio station. Radio station then gets opera guy to lead. I think.

— Andrew Kueneman (@andrewkueneman) November 22, 2012

Yeah, about that. But Lord Patten, the head of the BBC Trust, gave Hall his vote of approval. Hall is "the right person to lead the BBC out of its current crisis." Patten also called this, "the beginning of a new phase," in the statement announcing his hiring. Hall previously worked at the BBC as their director of news before heading to the Royal Opera House, so he's not totally unqualified for the job. British paper The Independent endorsed Hall's hiring, writing that Hall, "ticks so many boxes for the job that it seems extraordinary that he has not been given the opportunity before."