Barack Obama Is Chilling Out and Wearing His Hat Backwards on Vacation

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

From Harper's BAZAAR

America's Cool Dad, Barack Obama, wants you to know he hasn't lost a bit of his swagger. Now that the former POTUS is out of the White House and on vacation in the British Virgin Islands, he's kicked up the chill factor to full gear. In a total bro move, he's now wearing his hat backwards.

Backwards dad hat? Check. Flip flops? Check. Sunglasses? Check. One could almost imagine him giving dap with the locals and saying, "Sup dude, call me Barry."

Michelle was also seen catching some R&R with denim shorts and pig tails. She and her husband waved to passersby during a stroll on the beach.

Naturally, the internet lost it.

It's great to know the Obamas are enjoying their well-deserved time off.

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