April 2 Board of Education candidates

Mar. 28—Ten people are on the April 2 ballot for the three open seats on the St. Joseph Board of Education. Voters may choose no more than three candidates, but they may also vote for just one or two, if they prefer.

The person with the highest vote tally, the runner-up and the second runner-up will each be elected to a three-year term beginning on April 15, with swearing-in to be conducted at 5:30 p.m. at 3401 Renick St.

Steven Carrillo

Steven Carrillo will appear on the ballot, but he declared his intent to no longer campaign for the board on March 4. Any votes for him will still count, but he has indicated he cannot serve in light of business interests he is pursuing elsewhere. Should he win a seat anyway and then choose to resign, the other six board members would select someone to serve in his place until April 2025.

Ronda Chesney

Ronda Chesney is a career teacher who today works in the education department at Missouri Western State University, helping to train future K-12 teachers. She seeks to use her experience to improve academic outcomes in St. Joseph.

Sean Connors

Sean Connors is a longtime creator and director of the fine and performing arts. His stated priority in running for office is to provide a progressive voice for school district leadership and advocate for LGBTQ+ and other underrepresented people.

Kimberly Dragoo

Kimberly Dragoo is an activist in conservative politics. She is best known as a founder of We the People 3 Schools, a Facebook page that advocates against major changes to the buildings and administration of the St. Joseph School District.

Warren Ingram III

Warren Ingram III is a retired Marine and a support technician for passenger airlines. He seeks to invest more money in renovating school buildings and improving academics but opposes plans to build two new replacement high schools.

Jacob McMillian

Jacob McMillian is a church pastor and a long-serving district volunteer. He advocates for increased investment in public education while promoting parental autonomy in each child's education and urging community involvement in the district.

Mike Moore

Mike Moore is a long-serving district volunteer, local business executive and engineer. He backs major investment in the school district that would create infrastructure and services up to 21st-century standards and boost curb appeal.

Tami Pasley

Tami Pasley is a retired teacher who continues to work for the Savannah R-III school district. She served two previous terms on the St. Joseph school board. She relies on her long record of public service as a selling point in her candidacy.

Kenneth Reeder

Kenneth Reeder is a longtime community activist and a retired lobbyist for various interests at the state level. He is running for a second term. He argues that the district should be focused on improving skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.

LaTonya Williams

LaTonya Williams is the executive director of the Bartlett Center and current school board president. She is running for a second term. She aims to use relationships in local, state and national government to encourage aid for the district.