You'll Wish These Donut Baby Sneakers Came In Your Size

Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi
Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi

From Delish

Baby showers aren't competitions - just like choosing your bridesmaids and maid of honor isn't definitively ranking your good friends, best friends, and best best friend - but if it were a competition, the grand prize would go to the best best friend with the best best gift. For years, that meant coming up with the funniest onesie, paired with the parenting classic Go The F*ck To Sleep, but these donut shoes are a game-changer.

Hannah Choi set out to create the kind of baby gift people would love so much they'd reach for them first if their house was on fire, and she achieved just that. "My friends in the past two or three years have started popping out babies, and I've been thinking, 'What are cool things I could give them they'd keep forever?'" the artist said. "'If my house is burning down, what are the things I'd grab?' I'd be honored if someone loved those shoes enough to grab them."

Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi
Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi

With a friend's shower coming up, Choi brainstormed ideas. Her boyfriend, a lifelong sneakerhead, gave her the idea to customize tiny kicks.

"I thought about doing a dinosaur or polka dots, but honestly, a lot of brands are expanding their designs - Vans has a lot of designs you can buy - so you can't just do polka dots," she said. "I could do sprinkles instead, and make it a donut. It's a slight evolution of my thought process."

Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi
Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi

When she showed photos of her work in progress to friends, they freaked out. It was such an intensely positive reaction that Choi decided to turn it into part of her business. Now, when people visit her website, Night Victories, they can contact her to order a pair of customized shoes. No design - or size - is off limits, but she will have a consultation with people to hammer out the details before busting out her acrylics.

"The bigger the shoe gets, the design also changes, so I like to review the design first," Choi explained. "A design can look totally different if it's on a basketball player's shoe versus my size 6 foot."

Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi
Photo credit: Night Victories/Hannah Choi

So, the bottom line: You can have donut shoes in your size, but they might not be as ridiculously cute as they are in an infant size. Living the dream comes with (some) limitations.

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