'I had an allergic reaction to my wedding bouquet'

Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller
Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller

From Cosmopolitan UK

Most brides picture their wedding day being perfect. What they don’t expect is that they’ll have a severe allergic reaction and end up doing their first dance in their pyjamas. Unfortunately, that’s what happened to Christine Jo Miller.

Before she got married on September 2, 2017, Christine picked pretty green and white wildflowers that she loved - she wanted to use them as fillers in her bouquet and wedding trellis.

Christine says she first picked these flowers - called "snow-on-the-mountains" - back in July, and continued to pick them about once a week after that. But what she didn’t realise is that the flowers are poisonous, according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

She picked them the Thursday before her wedding, and worked on the flowers Friday night after the rehearsal dinner up until 6am on her wedding day. “The flowers had no effect on me,” she says.

But when she went to wash her face before getting ready for the ceremony, she immediately developed a rash. Her eyes also started watering. “It all went downhill from there,” she says. “I had walked out of the bathroom and my sister said my face was red and bumpy,” she said. “It started going down my neck and arms.” Christine says her eyes started burning within 30 minutes.

A few of her bridesmaids were nurses, and they recommended drinking a lot of water to try to flush out the reaction. She also took Benadryl and allergy medication throughout the day. “I thought I would be better by ceremony time,” she says.

Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller
Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller

But her eyes started to burn so badly that she held cucumbers and washcloths over them while her hair was being done.

“When my hair was done, I opened my eyes thinking it was all better, but when I opened my eyes that's when I realised I had lost my eyesight,” she says. “So by 11:30am, my rash was getting worse [and] my eyes were pouring out water constantly.” Christine says that they burned so badly that she was shaking - and on top of that, her eyesight was gone.

Her mum asked if she wanted to cancel the ceremony, but she refused.

“Jon [her now-husband] and I didn't live together before we were married and that's something we had really been looking forward to for the last five years of dating,” she says. “I had every dinner that next week I was going to make planned, I was ready to go to sleep and wake up next to my husband, so for me it just didn't feel like an option.”

Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller
Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller

Not only that, Christine says that her friends and family worked hard to make her wedding day possible, and she didn’t want to let her health crisis stop things.

So, she put on her dress, said her vows, and went to the hospital immediately after the ceremony. There, she was given a shot and eye drops, and was told she was lucky she didn’t have permanent eye damage.

On the way to the reception, she and Jon swung by Target, and Jon bought Christine pyjamas that said “Bride” on them so she could be comfortable.

The couple had their first dance (with her wearing her new PJs), cut the cake, and left for their hotel, where Christine fell asleep and Jon ordered pizza.

Christine says she can’t tell for sure if her allergic reaction has impacted her life now, but she’s noticed some little changes. “I've never had sensitive eyes but now it seems like I have to wear sunglasses or else it's impossible to keep my eyes open when its sunny,” she says. “My eyes when cutting onions seem to be a lot more sensitive now but I can't tell if it's in my head or it's really happening. My overall eyesight is fine though.”

Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller
Photo credit: Courtesy Christine Jo Miller

TV presenter Steve Harvey caught wind of her story and decided to throw Christine a Disney Dream Wedding to make up for the last one, with Steve as the officiant.

“We had so much fun recreating a new wedding day,” Christine says. “I'm not an emotional person at all, but I actually started crying at our new ceremony. I could actually see what my husband looked like. We were able to say vows to each other that meant so much to one another, and we are able to look back and remember every little thing going exactly as planned. It was beautiful and more than I could've ever expected someone to ever do for us.”

Christine is now pregnant with the couple’s first child, which they’re expecting in September.