Andover council works on variety of projects

May 17—ANDOVER — Village council addressed various items on Tuesday evening during a regular meeting at village hall.

Council updated the village's income tax procedures by amending a former income tax ordinance and was made affective retroactively to May 1.

Village Council also approved the purchase of .73 acres of undeveloped land in the South Park Estates Subdivision for $10 from Robert L. Harvey to add to the John R. Overly Recreation park.

Andover administrator Richard Mead said the property would provide the opportunity to expand an existing baseball field into one that can be used for senior league baseball.

In other business:

—Council approved Patricia Hale being added as fiscal officer of the village to be able to sign checks.

—Council discussed the possibility of purchasing an outdoor case for an automated external defibrillator at the baseball park. Mead said he would review the various options regarding the price of the boxes.

"I will definitely look at what the options are," Mead said.

—A village resident provided her opinions on the development of the Greenway Trail that will end near village hall. She said the village should not expect to see a lot of business increases from the bikers coming to town.

"People ride bike to relax not to sharp," she said. She did say that people may come back in their cars to check out businesses on the Square.

She said bike racks will be important and urged signage so motorists are aware bicyclists may be in the area.

Mead said the Greenway Trail project is ahead of schedule but it is unclear when it will be completed. He said the village hopes to add some infrastructure to connect with the trail, such as a possible gazebo.

He said the village is seeking funding to add a gazebo or other types of positive elements to the village.