Amerson defeats Rayford by 11 votes

May 21—A Milledgeville businessman will become the new District 3 member on the Baldwin County Board of Education.

Dylan Amerson, owner of Huff's Market, turned back a strong challenge from retired educator Beverly Rayford to win the nonpartisan election Tuesday.

Amerson won by a mere 11 votes, 350-339.

Reached by telephone soon after the results came in, Amerson talked about his narrow margin of victory.

"I'm really excited and very grateful for the community's support," he said. "I know Mrs. Rayford put a lot of effort into her campaign, and so did I. I'm just really excited I was able to get the support in order to get the position. I'm looking forward to getting more involved and serving the community as well as I can."

The 34-years-old, 2007 Baldwin High School graduate will join the school board and replace the man who was once his principal, Lyn Chandler, who chose not to run for the seat again after first winning it in 2012.

According to unofficial results provided by Baldwin County Election Superintendent Todd A. Blackwell, Rayford was winning 151-97 through the advanced voting period. She also held a 14-5 lead in absentee voting, but Amerson supporters really showed up on Election Day. Tuesday voters helped him overcome the margin as the tally in the 12-hour voting window was 248-174 in the winner's favor.

Rayford was gracious in defeat.

"It turned out to be close between me and my opponent," Rayford said while sitting and watching the final results as they rolled across a giant screen at the county elections office. "I wish the successor a good run in his new position. My hope is that he will work to make sure that everybody is treated fair."