Air quality alert issued for Maricopa County

The National Weather Service has issued an air quality alert for Maricopa County starting at 9:08 a.m. May 26. The warning expires at 9 p.m. May 28.

For the latest watches and warnings, see our weather alert page.

How do I protect myself during high pollution days?

When air quality is poor, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality suggests you take more care about being outdoors. Ozone levels are generally highest in the afternoon, so consider rescheduling activities and taking more breaks.

Memorial Day weekend updates: The latest on traffic issues, event coverage and weather updates

To avoid health risks associated with ozone:

  • Reduce exposure by playing and exercising outdoors before noon.

  • Limit vehicle idling when possible.

  • Curtail daytime driving.

  • Refuel cars and gasoline-powered equipment as late in the day as possible.

  • Carpool.

  • Combine trips.

  • Limit vehicle idling by avoiding drive-thrus and excessive idling caused by long wait times making left-hand turns.

This article was generated by The Arizona Republic and USA TODAY Network using data released by the National Weather Service. It was edited by a staff member.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Air quality alert issued for Maricopa County