So this is *actually* why we get acne on our backs

So this is *actually* why we get acne on our backs

So this is *actually* why we get acne on our backs
So this is *actually* why we get acne on our backs

Ah, bacne. It happens to the best of us. Those tiny (and sometimes huge) back pimples pop up when you least expect them. You know, like when you have an important event to go to and you’re planning on wearing your super new, super cute backless dress.

But you don’t feeling comfortable wearing the dress, since you’re currently feeling self-conscious about the connect-the-dots game happening on your back.

Why does bacne happen to good people? Fortunately, there’s a reason. Actually, a few possible reasons.

Excessive summertime sweat is definitely a cause of seasonal bacne, Dr. David Lortscher (CEO and Founder of Curology) tells Nylon. But another contributor could be your skin-care products.

To find out exactly what’s in your products, Lortscher suggests going to — a site that lists ingredients. Enter in your body washes and lotions, then click “Analyze Cosmetics.” If there are any 3s, 4s, or 5s, in the acne section, he says to consider not using the product anymore.

We feel your pain.

“Part of acne development involves excess oil — sebum — secreted by sebaceous glands into the pores of the skin,” Lortscher explains. “These sebaceous glands are more prominent on our chests and backs, which can explain the prevalence of body acne in these areas.”

Sebaceous glands are obviously your enemies. And so are the microorganisms that hang out on your back.

“Microorganisms contribute to the inflammatory component of acne,” Lortscher says. “They love the oily environment, and our immune system works hard to fight against them via inflammation. They also love a warm, moist environment, such as the one found on a sweaty back.”

So if we’ve learned anything about bacne, it’s that it’s caused by lots of factors.

“Acne is very much multi-factorial,” Lortscher says. “With hormones, genetics, lifestyle, diet, fabric choices, exercise, sweating, choice of skin-care products, and more all possibly influencing the different stages of acne development.” (So. Many. Factors.)

Fortunately, Lortscher says there are a few easy things we can do to prevent bacne — things we may not even realize could be the culprit:

1. Shower after you exercise.

2. Change out of your sweaty clothes ASAP.

3. Consume less dairy.

4. For severe bacne, try certain birth control pills, anti-androgen pills or Accutane.

And if all else falls, you could always embrace your bacne by changing Sir Mix-a-Lot’s lyrics to “baby got bacne.”

The post So this is *actually* why we get acne on our backs appeared first on HelloGiggles.