6 all-natural summer health hacks to keep you cool, comfortable and bite-free

Photo credit: Country Living
Photo credit: Country Living

From Country Living

Here are our summer health hacks for insect bites, travel sickness, sun damage and stomach complaints. All products mentioned are available to shop in the gallery...

1. Enjoy the sun knowing you're covered

Being outdoors on sunny days can reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering your blood pressure, according to scientists from the University of Edinburgh. They found that sunlight moves nitric oxide from our skin to our circulation, dilating blood vessels.

In this study, just 20 minutes a day of artificial sunlight was enough to lower blood pressure for the following hour. Sunshine also boosts mood, and the vitamin D it provides could reduce the risk of developing conditions such as multiple sclerosis, too.

However, it’s important to limit your exposure, so enjoy the health benefits of a few minutes’ (according to your skin type) exposure on arms and legs, but then apply lots of sun cream with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect against skin cancer and ageing.

“We tend not to apply sun creams as thickly as the researchers testing them, so SPF30 will only give you the protection of SPF15,” says Dr Anton Alexandroff, consultant dermatologist at the BMI Manor Hospital, Bedford. “Even if you don’t burn, your skin could suffer sun damage. Reapply any product generously every two hours, plus after sweating or going in water.”

2. Be tick aware

It’s tempting to opt for shorts and sandals on summer strolls through the countryside, but if you want to avoid tick bites, it’s best to wear long trousers, shoes and socks, particularly if you’re walking through woodland or long grass. Some ticks in the UK are infected with a bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

“This condition can instigate many health issues – from joint pain to problems with the heart – so bites must be taken seriously,” says Stella Huyshe-Shires of Lyme Disease Action. If you spot a tick on your body, pull it out with a specialist tool or fine-tipped tweezers, pulling upwards slowly and firmly. Always check your body for them when you’re back from a countryside walk, and if you are bitten and start to feel unwell, contact your GP.

3. Kiss goodbye to cold sores

Sunlight often acts a trigger for cold sores but you may be able to reduce the risk with a liquorice lip balm. “In a trial, it cut the duration of outbreaks,” says Marian Nicholson from the Herpes Virus Association. L-Lysine supplements may help fast-forward your recovery if you take them from the first tingle. “Lysine knocks out the virus’s cellular building blocks of arginine-rich proteins,” explains nutritionist Dr Sam Christie.

3. Ease bites and stings

There’s nothing lovelier than spending summer evenings in the garden, but you still need to watch out for insects, including mosquitoes. Tea tree oil may help ease the itch of minor bites – and in a picnic emergency, a slice of raw tomato can do the same. Keep the biters away with a spritz of Incognito Insect Repellent, made with natural essential oils, including bergamot.

4. Travel in comfort

If long car journeys or boat trips trigger sickness, keep Sea-Bands to hand. They come in adult and child sizes and help relieve nausea by applying gentle pressure to the wrist point associated with it. Alternatively, try homeopathic remedy Cocculus 30c if eating and drinking makes you feel worse, suggests Nelsons homeopathic pharmacist Susanne Haar.

5. Stop the sneezing

Gardens filled with the scent of freshly cut grass may epitomise summer for many of us, but, for the estimated one in four people in the UK who suffer from hay fever, it’s not such a joyous time. Stop the pollen getting up your nose by smearing a balm, such as HayMax, around your nostrils two or three times a day. Each evening, if pollen has become trapped inside your nose, send it packing with a saline nasal spray, such as Sterimar Isotonic Nasal Hygiene.

6. Avoid stomach upsets

Don’t let an upset stomach ruin a holiday abroad. Hygiene is important to prevention – wash hands thoroughly and frequently, and avoid ice, tap water and undercooked meat. It pays to plan ahead by taking a good probiotic supplement. Start a week before your trip, as this will help crowd out the bacteria that cause diarrhoea, says Dr Sam Christie: “Probiotics may reduce your risk of tummy upset and shorten its duration.” Try Optibac for Travelling Abroad.

This feature is from Country Living magazine. Subscribe here.

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