6 Food Additives You Can Stop Worrying About

These ones are safe.

There was a time, before any of us can remember, when you didn’t have to think twice about what was in your food. An apple was an apple that you picked off your tree. The bread you baked had a handful of ingredients, all with pronounceable names. Now, food science allows us to bend the rules. Our bread doesn’t have to have gluten and our apples can be turned into chips. But trading simplicity for novelty has meant longer ingredient lists, more unfamiliar words to decipher, and more uncertainty about what we’re eating and whether it’s actually, well, food.

It’s good to question what’s going in your body, and choosing fresh, whole foods over the processed stuff is certainly a worthy goal. But, it’s also a relief to know that not all additives are evil. “Just because a word is unfamiliar, doesn’t mean it’s always bad,” says Lisa Lefferts, senior scientist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “There are a few additives that we caution against such as synthetic food dyes, but the biggest risk for consumers actually comes from added sugars and salts. Ironically, these are ingredients we do recognize.”

So, in the interest of helping you chill out, here are a few of the additives you can probably stop stressing about.


Find it in: Protein bars, dairy, frozen desserts

What’s the deal: Usually derived from the chicory root plant, inulin is a fiber substitute that gives food a smooth and creamy texture. It’s harmless and even helps maintain good bacteria in the gut. The only thing to keep track of is how much you’re getting. “Inulin is in a lot of products, so it’s easy to go overboard, especially since it doesn’t have the texture or taste of fiber,” says Michael Roizen, MD, chief wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute. “And, like any fiber, too much can bring on constipation, gas, and bloating.”


Find it in: Baked goods, chocolate

What’s the deal: Lecithin is an emulsifier that comes from soybeans or egg yolks. It helps make cakes and muffins more pillow-y and prevents oil and water from separating. Though most varieties currently come from soy, “it’s generally considered safe, even for people with soy allergies,” says Robin Foroutan, MS, RD, an NYC-based integrative dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Find it in: Bread, grated cheese, sauces

What’s the deal: Remember reading headlines about sawdust in grated Parmesan cheese? Cellulose is the ingredient everyone was calling out as shredded wood. But, even though some types of cellulose do come from wood—others from cotton or corn husks or even produce—experts aren’t concerned about it. “Cellulose is a type of fiber used to prevent caking, modify texture, and can be used as a filler. It's not only in food, but some supplement capsules as well," says Foroutan. "The thing to keep in mind is that, unlike fiber from whole foods or inulin, cellulose doesn't fill you up.”


Find it in: Flour, breakfast cereals

What’s the deal: It’s just a fancy name for vitamin B2, which is added to fortify foods. “Riboflavin used to be chemically synthesized, but more manufacturers are testing alternative methods like producing it through fermentation or with microbes,” says Lefferts. Riboflavin is one of eight B vitamins that help the body metabolize fats and protein and keep the nervous system running in top shape. You’ll find it in whole foods too: almonds, mushrooms, eggs, and spinach.


Find it in: Cheese, yogurt

What’s the deal: This antimicrobial additive kills off mold in certain dairy products. While some of our favorite cheeses thrive on funk and spores, there are a few types of mold that can make cheese spoil—natamycin tackles those.

Ascorbyl palmitate

Find it in: Oil, chips, sauces, frozen meals, vitamins

What’s the deal: An antioxidant that prevents oils from turning rancid, ascrobyl palmitate comes from combining vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and palmitic acid from fat. “When you eat it, it breaks down into vitamin C and fat, which can be converted into energy,” says Lefferts. “But the amount of fat is very small, so you don’t have to worry about it impacting your cholesterol.”