6 Best Bicep Workouts for Beautifully Strong Arms

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Photo credit: Getty

From Redbook

Ready for a little bicep workout breakdown? For stronger, sexier biceps you want to focus on building strength. In fitness lingo that means you're working on hypertrophy, or gaining more muscle tissue, explains Ashleigh Kast, trainer at Drive Clubs in New York City and founder of Sophisticated Strength. The key to training hypertrophy is increasing your time under tension, she adds.

Kast put together two routines that increases the muscle's time under tension and targets the different areas of your bicep muscles. And remember, lean muscle burns more calories at rest, so if stronger arms and weight loss are your goal, the more muscle you more calories your body will burn throughout the day, even if you're not exercising.

It's important to note that you can't spot train your biceps (or any muscle for that matter). If you're looking to see definition and strength in your biceps, it takes a combination of total-body strength workouts, regular cardio sessions, and following a clean meal plan. That being said, these moves are great additions to your regular routine if you want to give your upper body a little extra attention.

Photo credit: Designed by Megan Tatem
Photo credit: Designed by Megan Tatem

Beginner Bicep Workout

How to do it: Do 3 sets of 15 reps of each move.

You'll need: a medium-weight set of dumbbells

1. Seated Dumbbell Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Sit tall on exercise bench with feet flat on floor, one weight in each hand, palms facing up.

B. Curl weight to shoulder while keeping elbows next to torso, then slowly lower back down.

2. Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Sit on exercise chair with back of chair on a 45 degree angle. Sit back against it with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing up.

B. Curl weights to shoulders while keeping elbows next to torso, then lower arms back down.

3. Seated Hammer Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Sit tall on exercise bench with feet flat on floor, one weight in each hand, palms facing in.

B. Curl weight to shoulder while keeping palms facing body, then slowly lower back down.

Advanced Bicep Workout

How to do it: Do 3 sets of 10 reps of each move. You may need to start with a lighter set of weights.

1. Tall Kneeling Dumbbell Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Start in a kneeling position with both knees on floor, one weight in each hand, palms facing up.

B. Squeeze butt and curl weights to shoulder height. Pause, then lower back down.

2. TRX Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Grab handles and face TRX anchor point. Walk feet back until TRX is tense and lean back to create a straight line from head to heels. Bring arms to shoulder height and bend elbows.

B. Keep elbows lifted and bend and straighten arms.

3. Tall Kneeling Alternating Kettlebell Curl

Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing
Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing

A. Start in a kneeling position with both knees on floor, one kettlebell in each hand, palms facing up.

B. Keep elbows next to torso and curl right kettlebell to shoulder height. Lower weight back to starting position then repeat on opposite arm.

CREDITS:Trainer, Ashleigh Kast; Gym, Drive 495; Clothing, Lululemon; Hair, Jeffrey Jagling; Makeup, Satsuma Soma

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