5 days until the midterm elections: Where things stand

Election judge Thomas Trujillo checks early ballots in the Denver Elections Division headquarters in Denver on Wednesday. (Photo: David Zalubowski/AP)
Election judge Thomas Trujillo checks early ballots in the Denver Elections Division headquarters in Denver on Wednesday. (Photo: David Zalubowski/AP)

(Countdown above in EDT)

Key races checkup

Republican New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance is facing a tough challenge from Democrat Tom Malinowski, a former assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor under President Barack Obama. Two new polls reach different conclusions about which candidate is ahead. The New York Times-Siena College poll gives Lance a 1-point lead, while the latest Monmouth University survey gives Malinowski a 5-point advantage. (Read more)

“Pissed off” over what she was witnessing in Washington under the Trump administration, former secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala decided at the age of 77 to run for Congress in Florida’s 27th District. But a stronger than expected race by Republican Maria Salazar has made this race anything but a walk in the park. (Read more)

Few members of Congress are more hostile to undocumented immigrants than Iowa Republican Steve King. On Tuesday, however, King’s positions cost him the support of the campaign chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Ohio Rep. Steve Stivers. All in all, it proved to be a very bad day for King, who faces a reelection challenge from Democrat J.D. Scholten. (Read more)


Based on early returns in states like California, the Hispanic vote could be poised to help Democrats in their quest to retake control of the House. Whereas the party holds out hope every cycle that Hispanics will ride to the rescue, a spike in early ballots cast shows this could be the year. (Read more)

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Scorecard sources:

Generic ballot: FiveThirtyEight

Right track/wrong track: Gallup

Trump approval: FiveThirtyEight

At-risk seats in the Senate: Cook Political Report

At-risk seats in the House: Cook Political Report

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