5 Boxed Wines We'll Be Drinking All Summer Long (Yes, Really)

Boxed wine gets a bad rap. Some might associate the un-bottled vino with their college days, or consider it a cheaper, less desirable alternative to its glass-encased brethren. But the truth is that boxed wine rocks. It can keep booze fresh for a whole month (!) and has half the size of the carbon footprint created by bottles. Plus, it makes entertaining a breeze: one box is equivalent to 4 bottles, which means you only need to have a couple on hand to keep your guests' thirst quenched. Yes, it is less expensive than the bottled stuff (most 3L containers are less than $30), but that doesn't necessarily mean it's lacking in quality. Below, we've rounded up some of the most delicious boxed wines on the market--try them for yourself and see.